(b: 31 Dec 1824 in Greystone, Kinniside,
Cumberland, England, the son of John Rothery and Elizabeth Steel, and d:
15 Aug 1915 in Doylston, Selwyn,
![]() Henry mar: 05 Oct 1850 in St Bridgets, Beckermet,
Cumberland to (1) ELIZABETH BENSON, daughter of
Kenlay 1825 in Drigg, Cumerland, England) Henry immigrated to NZ with
his wife and young family of four children, three girls and a boy, and
left England, in the sailing ship "Ajmeer" landing in Dunedin on September
6th, 1864 - Elizabeth d: 10 Jul 1864 at sea aboard ship "Ajmeer" near Aus.
Their children
Children of H ENRY ROTHERY and ELIZABETH Black were:
Gen: 2. JACOB FRANCIS ROTHERY (son of HENRY, b; 27 Nov 1853 in St Bridgets, Cumberland, England; occ: 1894, Rahotu Sawmills - timber yeard, dressed timber; Accident: 06 Jun 1902, Rohotu; d: 16 Dec 1907 in Kahui Road, Rahotu, Taranaki aged 55Y; Bur: 02 Oct 1914, Roman Catholic Church, Okato Cem, Taranaki) It is said that when Norah Maloney was young
she left with her brother Michael and his wife to settle in Australia
where they stopped for a short time before deciding to come on to New
Zealand. Michael made the decision to return to
Australia but Norah who was working as a housekeeper for Henry
Rothery on a farm near Christchurch, decided to stay. (Michael
Maloney occ; farmer, d: in Donald, Victoria,
Australia) .
Norah Maloney daughter of MICHAEL MALONEY of Limerick,
Ireland mar: Jacob Francis Rothery son of Henry
Steele Rothery on 18 Jun 1878 at St James, Southbridge, Canterbury
and they settled first in Pihama and later in Rahotu. Norah d: 30 Sep 1914
in Rahotu, New Plymouth aged 57Y
Children of J ACOB ROTHERY and NORAH MALONEY were:i. E LIZABETH MARY ROTHERY (b. 19 Oct 1879, Taumatu, Selwyn, Canterbury; d. 28 Apr 1904, Okato, Taranaki; bur: 05 May 1904, Okato Cem.) mar. PATRICK DUGGAN at Taranaki (b. 1871; d. 1957)ii. H ENRY WILLIAM ROTHERY ( b. 12 Nov 1880, Taumatu, Selwyn, Canterbury; Occ: Flaxmiller of Mokau; d. 25 Dec 1953, Otorohanga) mar. (1) JOHANNA O'SULLIVAN at 09 Oct 1907, St Patricks Church, Okato; mar. (2) JOANNA O.SULLIVAN, 09 Oct 1907, St Patrick's Church, Okato.iii. DANIEL ROTHERY (b. 10 Jun 1882, Taumutu, Southbridge, Selwyn; Education: 1893, Rahotu School; d. 05 Mar 1962, Hawera, Taranaki aged 80Y; Bur: 18 Nov 1981, Crem: New Plymouth) Wedding Bells. ROTHERY -BOWERS. A wedding, which created considerable local
interest, took place at Rahotu on Wednesday, June 16th, when Mr Dan.
Rothery, second son of the late Mr Jacob Rothery. was united in matrimony
to Miss Mabel Bowers, daughter of Mr Geo. Bowers, of Thames (formerly of
Rahotu). The ceremony took place at the Pungarehu Catholic Church, the
Rev. Father Menard officiating. The bride, who was attired in a pretty
dress of creme voile, trimmed with satin, and wore the orthodox wreath and
orange blossoms, was given away by her brother-in-law (Mr C. Jeffries).
The bride was attended by two bridesmaids, Miss Annie Rothery (sister of
the bridegroom), who was attired in a dress of white embroidered muslin,
and Miss Jeffries (niece of the bride), who wore a green frock, trimmed
with creme ribbon. Mr John Rothery was best man.
After the ceremony a large number of guests adjourned to tbe
residence of Mrs Jacob Rothery, Kabul Road, where a recherche breakfast
was partaken of and the usual toasts honored. In the afternoon the young
couple, who were the recipients of many useful and valuable presents, left
for New Plymouth en route to their future home at Te Kuiti, via Auckland
and Rotorua. iv. JAMES ROTHERY (b. 10 Apr 1884, Pihama, Sth Taranaki 3rd son Jacob Rothery; d. 30 Nov 1918, Stratford, Taranaki aged 35Y) mar. CAROLINE VINCE, 21 Nov 1906, Home of bride's parents, Bombay, Auckland; d. Whangamomona v. J OHN ROTHERY (b. 02 Sep 1885, Pihama, Sth Taranaki; d. 25 Sep 1932, New Plymouth.Bur: 27 Sep 1932, Okato Cem)vi. WILLIAM ROTHERY (b. 26 Mar 1887, Pihama, Sth Taranaki; d. 28 Aug 1964, New Plymouth; m. JOHANNA MARIE FLEMING, 01 Sep 1915, St Martins Catholic Church, Pungarehu. Bur: 28 Aug 1864, Opunake, Taranaki) vii. ANNIE JANE ROTHERY b. 24 Aug 1892, Pihama, Sth Taranaki; d. 28 Oct 1970, Wanganui; m. ANDREW FRANK RIDDELL, 07 Oct 1915, New Plymouth, Taranaki; b. 01 May 1892, Takapau, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand; d. 28 Nov 1918, Stratford, Taranaki. Postmaster of the Whangamomona Post Office, when he fell ill with Influenza, passing away Nov 1918. viii. E LIZABETH MARY (LIZZIE) ROTHERY (b. 1879; d. 1904; Stepchild.ix. J OHN |