William was twelve when he arrived at
Christchurch and immediately joined the bustling work force. Labour was in
high demand. His first job for John Hay at Pigeon Bay, gave him an
introduction to what was to become his life's work. The only access unless
by sea, was by a Maori track which ran through the bush. Men were employed
to cut a track through the trees, scrub and undergrowth to a width of 6
feet and trees were sawn for timber for housing, posts, rails and
firewood. (John Hay 1856, explored the Mackenzie country and after
marriage, took up land at Tekapo.)
William next found employment with Robert Caverhill
then did bushwork in April 1856 at Kaiapoi. His name on the 1857
electoral roll - "William Guilford; Church Bush (between Woodend and
Kaiapoi.) Sawyer; Leasehold" By this time, the Papanui Bush at
Canterbury rivers still had no bridges and were
crossed by ferry. The fencing and firewood cut was taken by small craft
who, despite floods during January and February and the difficulties with
high tides, plied the tributaries between Kaiapoi and and Heathcote. Henry
John's diary states that his brother left when "the bush was worked out"
however in 1859, the whole of the Native Bush and a good proportion of the
Church Bush were destroyed by fire. This wiped out the economic base of
the region and it is likely that it was then that William, like so many
others, left the area. In 1859, William, worked at Arowhenua but in October
here too, a large part of the bush including £2000 of sawn timber was
burnt out in that particularly hot summer. Sparks blown from fires of
workers boiling billies caused most fire outbreaks. At the Pleasant Valley
bush, one of the earliest settlements in South Canterbury, the bush was
able to provide many with work, William did pit sawing. 20 acre blocks of
dense bush were available for purchase - totara, white and black pine and
manuka. The freehold value was set at £12 an acre at the 928 acre
Raukapuka Bush; the Waihi Bush was 2052 acre in extent and valued at £6
and Peel Forest of 1460 acres at £7. The sawyers lived in V huts thatched
with totara bark. On April 10th. 1860, William Guilford left for Victoria from Timaru on the coastal passenger ship "Corsair" which sailed between Australia New Zealand. (Ref. L. Times. 10/4/1860) While there he did bushwork and goldmining and returned 1861 - William again left for Melbourne as a miner on the ship "Genii" leaving on 12 September 1861 for Melbourne and returned 30 Aug 1862 to Port Chalmers on the ship "Alfred Lemont" in 1862 (Src: LDS Film 0284490) to again work in the Geraldine area. William helped in the building of St Anne's Church by pit sawing timber. All residents would have viewed its construction with pride, and it remains today, the oldest surviving church in South Canterbury. Pleasant Valley was a busy forestry area, more prosperous than Geraldine. A landowner gave the land, men of all denominations gave their time and used their horses, bullocks, drays and tools to help with the building and the builder and the carpenter donated their time. The building was used by various denominations for their services, and a lasting monument to all who volunteered their labour. The parish register 1863 to 1870 records the varied occupations of those Valley pioneers - Innkeeper, bullockdriver, landed estate owner, contractor, merchant, sawyer, gentleman farmer, joiner, mail contractor, shepherd, boundary rider, governess, wheelwright, domestic servant, shoemaker, gardener, blacksmith and labourer. Again, voluntary labour built the first school also across the riverbed opposite the church on Section 3608. On 17 Aug 1874 James Guilford, William's brother and a sawyer, living at Geraldine, married Catherine Lynch at St Annes. Another fire swept through the Arowhenua Bush on the 6th and 7th of January 1863 and large quantities of sawmiller's sawn timber, firewood, fencing materials as well as their cottages and a number of Maori huts went up in flames fanned by the violent nor'wester. In 1864 sections had been gazetted for Geraldine township. 300 acres of the original 400 acre Talbot Forest, black and white pine and totara, had after clearing, been set aside. It was originally part of the Raukapuka sheep run owned by Cox, and was to meet the requirements of the sawyers of the area. After felling, the land was very wet and covered with flax and manuka scrub but the town began to flourish with the rapidly expanding population. August 1864 - For relaxation, settlers introduced greyhound and horse racing and horses from all over Canterbury competed in the events (Pre-race Advertising) "A great sporting event is to be held in Pleasant Valley and it is proposed to have five races in all - the Valley Race, Innkeeper's Purse, Geraldine Cup, Hurdle Race and Consolation Stakes. Subscriptions to a considerable amount have been received to provide the prizes. The first race is for horses owned by residents of the Valley but the rest is open to all horses that have never won public money. " The report after the event read - "The races produced a capital "bill of fare"! Lots of horses on the track, and the people willing to enjoy themselves. There was of course the usual quantity of barrack and a few fights. Some results for the £10 prize money were Mr Bull's Lucy, Mr Guildford's Gypsey (sic), Mr Massey's Maniac, Mr Bull's Jenny, Mr Massey's Inflarnation and Mr McPherson's Wanderer. There was a protest on the last hurdle race because the winner did not jump the first hurdle fairly. The owners decided to divide the stakes to prevent disputes. William went to Hokitika on the West Coast in 1865 but later that year returned to Pleasant Valley. 1866 - Intentions to Marry: 22 Aug William Guilford, Batchelor, Sawyer aged 27 years who had been living at Pleasant Valley 3 years to marry at the Benbow House, Temuka to Ann Benbow, spinster aged 17 years living at Temuka 1 month - father Wm Benbow gave permission to marry, Rev Brown (District 1289) William's name spelt "Guildford" on the Marriage register. Because Ann was a minor, her father William Benbow gave his consent to his daughter's marriage which took place at the Benbow home at "Ladymoor" at Temuka. ![]() John Guilford made a gift to his
son of the land he had bought at Arowhenua and half the 10 acres Raukapuka
block as a wedding gift. By now, at Pleasant Valley, beside the church
and school, there was a large general store run by Mendleson and Morris
and a public house. William became it's licensee after his marriage, an
occupation, no doubt at odds with John Guilford's religious views.
The Laws and Regulations of the Weslayan Methodist Church state; "The
Methodist Church regards intemperance as among the most serious moral and
social evils, and requires its members and adherants to promote such
legislative measures as aim at the restraint or extinction of liquor
Other early Pleasant Valley settlers were John Bull, Gale,
William Bennet - William Guilford had his land to the left of
the church, Section 3607, and he combined farming with bush work and the
last three were all licensees to the Public house at various times.
William together with S. Ferguson, owned section No 7426. The date of this
purchase is not known, but it is remembered by Ferguson's Road. They sold
this on 28th September 1866 to Thomas Hardcastle for £50. Hardcastle had
settled in the area in 1863 and had the first dairy herd and he provided
milk to the tree-fellers and sawmillers who did not have their own house
On Monday 29th July 1867, rain started and there was very
heavy flooding throughout Canterbury and the sky cleared on August 3rd to
reveal the low snow. On August 10th, Ann and William celebrated the safe
arrival of their first child whom they called Ann
•13 Sept 1867 Timaru Herald: AROWHENUA. The Valley races
take place on Thursday, but we are quite ignorant yet of the programme,
&c, perhaps it is policy to keep it dark. There is to be a ball in the
evening at Mr Guildford's Valley Hotel •14 Sept 1867 Timaru Herald: PLEASANT VALLEY RACES,
A Ball and Supper is to be held at GUILDFORD'S On the evening of
the Arowhenua Races which will take place on
Thursday, the 17th day of October next. Programme and particulars in
future issue. W. MASSEY, Hon. Sec. September 13, 1867. Races results recorded at Pleasant Valley on September
19, 1867. Stewards were Dr Caro, G Dyson and J Gammock. The Judge was
Thomas Hardcastle. Maiden Plate - C Gosling's Chog, 1st,Collingwoods
Lubre, 2nd
Valley Cup - Gammack's Zohrab, 1st, Manning's
Elswick, 2nd, J Bull's Vesta fell and the jockey had a broken wrist
Hurdles - J Bulls Hector Norman (owner ridden) 1st, J
Gammock's Cruiser ( P Murphy) 2nd
Innkeepers Purse - Zohrab (Peckham) 1st
Hector Norman 2nd In the evening a dinner and ball was held at W Guilford's
hotel, Pleasant Valley. (One can only marvel how Ann, now 18, with a month
old baby coped but no doubt the whole community came together to assist,
as was the custom then.)
Henry John Guilford, builder and bushman, spent
some time with his brother William at Pleasant Valley and together
they built the Guilford house which is still lived in today. In this
home, William and Ann spent the next 36 years bringing up their large
family until they moved to Tarata in 1902. Brother James Guilford came
also to the Geraldine area.
15 May 1867 Timaru Herald: RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT
Valley On the 2nd and 3rd February 1868, there were again violent
storms and the heaviest flood known resulting in property loss and ten
lives. Over 8" rain fell in 24 hours, and it was said that the plains were
a lake of water from the Washdyke to the Opihi. The small Pleasant
Valley School was washed away, and winter brought more storms, flooding
and heavy snow and many sheep lost. This photo of children at Pleasant Valley is held by a
Guilford descendant. She said it was sent to the Education Board
requesting a new schooI - it is unknown if one was replaced on the
original site or whether a room in a home was used. In
1875, the South Canterbury Education Board built a new one over the bridge on
Section 3608. Mrs Bennett who ran a boarding house for sawmillers had been
teacher till then and Mr. Bethune was the new teacher and
started with a roll of 21. 8 July 1868, PLEASANT VALLEY. APPLICATIONS FOR
1868. Guildford William ... Pleasant Valley Accommodation House ...
Pleasant Valley. Conditions : 1: All the premises to be
kept in good repair. To provide in his house, besides the
tap-room, or room answering as such, one public and one private
sitting-room. 2: To provide not less than eight beds for
travellers, in not less than six separate bed-rooms. 3: To provide a
shed sufficiently weather-tight, and fit for the accommodation of at least
six horses. 4: At all. times to keep a proper supply of water for the
house, and for horses and cattle. 5: To keep at all times a proper supply
of oats and oaten or grass hay. Oats to be charged for to travellers at
not more than 3d per quart, and to be always served out with the
authorised quart measure. 6: To provide and keep in repair a good and
sufficient stockyard for cattle, containing a superficial area of not less
than 225 square yards. For the occupation of this yard during the night,
the licensee may make a charge at rates not exceeding the following, viz.
: — Twopence per head for all cattle under 50 in number, and one
penny per head for all over that number. 7: To provide and keep in repair a
good and sufficient moveable sheep-proof yard, containing a superficial
area of not less than 900 square yards ; or, at the option of the
licensee, to keep one acre of land enclosed by a permanent sheep-proof
fence. For the occupation of this yard or paddock during the night, the
licensee may make a charge at rates not exceeding the following, viz.
: Sixpence per score for all sheep under 300 in number;
fourpence per score for all over that number and under 500 ; and twopence
per score for all over 500. 8: To keep a lamp burning, with
two burners, from sunset to sunrise, giving a sufficiently bright light,
and being so lighted as to be conspicuous all round the house. 9: To be
sworn m and act as a constable, especially when required by Magistrates or
the Police. 10: On all occasions to render every assistance, and to
supply information to Magistrates and to the Police in the execution
of their duty. 11: To keep a clean and orderly house, and to render it as
comfortable for the accommodation of travellers, as the circumstances of
position and distance from towns will allow.
The floods caused William (and affected many other settlers)
to get into financial difficulty and to meet his commitments came a
HOTEL, on FRIDAY, 22nd MAY NEXT, At 12 o'clock, (Unless the above action
shall be previously settled), A quantity of Household Furniture and
Effects Two Horses, Harness, Dray, and Potatoes Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms
Cash. HENRY FORWARD, Bailiff. On the 19th April 1869, the year following the flood,
William (hotelkeeper) sold the 94 acre Arowhenua section No 3149 gifted to
him by his father, to Thomas Hawke of Temuka, a farmer for £400 (No. 24
866) J W White Solicitor. A welcome POST OFFICE NOTICE! Mails are now made up for Waihi Crossing, Geraldine, Pleasant Valley, Waihi Bush. and Upper Rangitata, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 3 pm. Mails are also made up for PleasanT Point on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, at 3 pm. Post Office, Timaru, February 12, 1873 - previously settlers had to go into Timaru for sending and reciept of mail.
12 May 1873: From Mr William Guildford and others,
requesting the Geraldine Road Board to shingle a portion of the road
between Campbell's fence and Flanigan'a cutting. Resolved " the shingling
be deferred until the road is sufficiently consolidated. On the 12th 1877 an inquest was held at the Crown Hotel,
Geraldine when William and Ann's 6th child child James Guilford died
aged three years of age at Pleasant Valley before B. Woollcombe, Esq.,
Coroner, and a jury. Dr Fish gave evidence to the effect that death had
resulted from inflammation of the lungs, and the verdict was in accordance
with the medical testimony. By now having a burgeoning family, William was elected
onto the Pleasant Valley School Committee and June 1877 community
concerns were expressed that additions to the replacement school
buildings were needed and more land. The Committee decided to recommend
the purchase of five acres from Mr D. Gregon, because of its suitability
and on account of its central situation. The average attendance at
the school during the month was 56, and and the highest number present in
one day was 71. In 1878 there had been little rain for months. Lopped and discarded
branches left by millers became tinder dry and on November 15, 1878 sparks
from a smouldering log on a section being cleared by a man named Whittaker, were
carried by the high wind. By 6 o'
clock that evening the flames had spread through fifty
acres of
the Raukapuka. That night, the flames reached the hills behind Geraldine
and people in the town were suffocating with the smoke. Fire brigades came as
far away as
Temuka but their primative equipment could do little against the wall of
advancing flames. By the 23rd November, the fire
was still raging and had reached the sawmillers in the Kakahu Valley area.
By the time the wind died away, most of the Raukapuka forest except for
isolated pockets, was a smouldering ruin. By now the tide of fortune had moved away from Pleasant Valley
and the store moved in 1880 to Geraldine. Ann and
William Guilford first attended St Anne's Church and here daughters Elizabeth and Henrietta were christened,
but about 1870 a Geraldine Brethren group formed and met first in a small room on the main street at Geraldine conducted by a Mrs Andrews. The room was wanted so a little hall was built by "love labour" - several
bushmen connected with the Brethren, busy cutting timber that was taken to Timaru by road, gave their labour and it was likely that William was one. The building was surrounded by flax and was near today's Geraldine
Transport site. It was moved next to the site of the present Roman Catholic Church in Peel Street. Because quite a number of the Brethren congregation lived at Pleasant Valley, the custom was to hold meetings on alternate Sundays at each place. All members, mothers with babies in their arms, walked the nearly five miles, over the Downs to meet - one Sunday in the small hall they had built themselves and the next in the valley in different members homes and later in a large room of the Valley Hotel now owned by Mr Best. He had abandoned his licence to meet with them and turned his Pub's bar into a Gospel Hall. After the small Geraldine building and the site were sold, the Brethren met in the Oddfellow's hall. (Ref. "Morrisons of Geraldine")
In January 1880 tenders were considered for the formation
of Guildford's road (brother James Guildford and Co.,
tender of £37 12s 6d was accepted). This was the route that William took
pit sawn timber over to have it dressed at Geraldine. Pleasant Valley School - The only child identified is Frank
Guilford circled however, a descendant has named these: In Feb: 1880 W Guilford was elected Chairman of school
committee at a meeting which ten householders attended Saturday, 28 December 1889, Timaru Herald
Christmas at Geraldine
On Christmas Day, the weather was 'all that could be desired. At 7 am
the local corps of the Salvation Army had knee drill in the Good Templar
Hall, which was well attended, and the Primitive Methodists held a prayer
meeting in their church at 10 am. At St Mary's Anglican Church there was a
crowded congregation, the Primitive Methodists, the Salvation Army and the
Presbyterians attending. The church was most tastefully decorated by the
lady members and friends. The cross over the altar had a splendid wreath of
flowers suspended over it. In the centre panel at the back of the
super-alter was a large cross of St Joseph lillies, and on either side of
the cross there were some beautiful white lillies in vases on the
super-alter. The lancet windows recesses were festooned with flowers and
evergreens, as also were the chandeliers and side lights. The special
service commenced with the united chorus from the Presbyterian and Primitive
Methodist Churches, and one to the church, singing the Xmas hymns "hark, the
herald Angels sing," following with the carol "Good Christians Rejoice."
Jackson's Te Deuin" was most effectively rendered. The anthem was "Glory to
God in the Highest," and the hymns No 59 and 295, ancient and modern, also
the carol "The First Noel." The Rev. J. Preston, incumbent of the parish
preached from St Luke's Gospel on "The day-spring from on high." The whole
service was much enjoyed by the large congregation present.
Boxing Day was observed as a holiday. Many of the residents proceeded at
an early hour to Temuka to witness the Caledonian Sports. The primitive
Methodist annual Sunday School picnic took place, but owning to a thunder
storm commencing just as the youngsters marshalled together, to proceed to
the park, the Volunteer Hall was utilises instead, where a thoroughly
enjoyable afternoon was spent. The Primitive Methodist band at Temuka took a
considerable part in the proceedings, their performance being much admired.
Heavy rain continued till far into the night, most beneficially affecting
the crops and grass pasture that were beginning to feel the effects of the
heat of the past fortnight or so.
1894: Rate Book No. 183 ;Geraldine County Council;
Valuation Roll Number 501 ;Occupier Guilford, William ; Address
Pleasant Valley; Owner Guilford, William ; Property Description Pleasant
Valley; Rating District Geraldine Road Board Acres 127
Roods 2 Perches 22; £ 575 Press, 3
March 1911, Page 9 |