Image above; Private
Albert. Francis Hodson From the Otago Witness of 7th July 1915
Evening Post, 19 June
Hodson, Albert Francis, 10/982, Pte. (James
Hodson, Parkvale, Wanganui)
Wanganui Chronicle, 19
June 1915; Mr. James Hodsqn, of "Parkville," received last night that
his son. Private ' Albert Francis Hodson, had been wounded at the
Dardanelles. Private Hodson, who is 22 years of age, went away with the
Napier Battalion.
Mr James Hodson has
received a letter from his son who was wounded in the Dardanelles, dated
Jul 5 from which the following extracts were made: "I was hit through the
left thigh with shrapnel which entered one side and had to be cut out the
other. Both wounds are almost healed now. I wll soon be leaving hospital
and going to the convalescent camp. The local ladies are very kind to the
wounded. They bring us cigarettes etc and often take us out for motor
drives - that is, those who are able to go. They also give us a concert
once a week, which is very much appreciated. It makes you think you are
back home again. The nirses and doctors are very good to us, so you see we
are not doing so badly".