Arthur Henry Woodger
ARTHUR HENRY WOODGER (b. 05 Oct 1888, at Owen-street, Newtown, Wgtn. to parents Alice and Richard Woodger; He was enrolled Thorndon Infants 1897 and admiitted to Mt Cook Boys Wellington on 15 May 1899;
The family left 19 Sep 1899 for Sydney. He became a bootmaker in Old South Head-Road, Woollahra.
Sydney Morning Herald - 14 Feb 1924  RECEIVING.
Henry Gough was charged with breaking and enterlng the shop of Arthur Henry Woodger, in Old South Head-road, Woollahra, on October 25 last, and stealing 12 pairs of sandshoes, six pairs of slippers, and nine pairs of boots. He was alternatively charged with receiving the goods well knowing them to have been stolen
In 1924 Arthur married at Bellvue Hill,  ELSIE ROSETTE MARY GARDINER however this ended in divorce 1931 on the grounds of her desertion.
Arthur Henry Woodger petitioned for a dissolution of his marriage with Elsie Rosetta Mary Woodger (formerly Gardner) the ground being desertion The marriage took place at Bellevue Hill according to the rites of the Church of England A decree nisi returnable In six months was granted Mr Sturt (Instructed by Messrs Magney and Magney) appeared for petitioner

Wednesday 11 November 1931Sydney Morning Herald
Decrees Absolute: Divorce - Arthur Henry Woodger v Elsie Rosetta Mary Woodger,

Three years later, Arthur took his own life.

SYDNEY, Tuesday - A crippled man leaped from the cliff at Blue Fish Point, Manly, this morning, and fell headlong on to the rocks more than 200ft. below. He was killed instantly. The man was identified as Arthur Henry Woodger, aged 46 years, bootmaker, of Old South Head road, Woolahra, and a native of Wellington (N.Z.).

Sydney Morning Herald - Wednesday 19 December 1934
CRIPPLE'S SUICIDE Leap Over Cliffs -  While walking at Bluefish Point,, 'Manly, this morning, Edward Sly, a well-known local fisherman, saw a cripple moving about with the aid of a stick. When asked if there was anything the matter, the cripple replied, "You go away, because I am going over." Sly then caught hold of him, but after a struggle the cripple leaped over the cliff, and crashed on to the rocks 250 feet below. . The police were informed, and recovered the
the body, which was shockingly mutilated.  The man was later identified as to Arthur Henry Woodger, 46, a bootmaker, of Woollahra. A post mortem examination disclosed that every bone in his body had been broken

DEATH: WOODGER-December 18 1934 at Manly Arthur Henry Woodgcr dearly beloved son of Mrs Alice Woodger of Woollahra and loving brother of Eva Woodger aged 46 years

Mrs ALICE WOODGER and MISS EVA WOODGER of 273 O'Sullivan road; Woollahra desire to THANK relatives friends and committee and members of Woollahra Old Boys Association for expressions of sympathy received during their recent bereavement

WOODGER-December 18 1934: at Manly Arthur Henry Woodgcr dearly beloved son of Mrs Alice Woodger of Woollahra and loving brother of Eva Woodger aged 46 years

Elsie Rosette Mary Woodger remarried 1937 in Paramatta, Sydney to Henry Fordyce Hyne (b: 1894 in Waterloo - his parents James H Hyne and Mother was Georgina Hales; he d: 1969 in Windsor, NSW) Elsie d: 1964 at Windsor, Sydney.

Sadly, to date, no photos have yet been discovered to remember our Woodger family.
