James Hodson 
 JAMES HODSON (son of FRANCIS (FRANK) THOMAS HODSON (1845 - 1936) and mother DIANA HANNAH nee JACOB (1948 - 1931) was born abt. Jun 1868 in Laceby, Caistor, Lincolnshire, England, and died aged 76Y on 14th Sep 1944 in Wanganui.

James was aged 6 when his family left London on13 Apr 1875  in the ship "Collingwood" and  arrived  9th Jul 1875 at Port Wellington, New Zealand. after a voyage of 86 days, or 84 days from pilot to pilot carrying 268 immigrants. There was a great deal of sickness throughout the voyage from typhoid fever, measels, diptheria and scarlatina; twenty deaths occured, and fifty patients are still in hospital. The doctor has not long recovered from an attack of fever, and the second mate is still ill from fever. There was one suicide on the voyage. The vessel was put in quarantine at Soames island having 50 cases of scarlet fever on board. When heath clearance came, the Hodsons and others whose destination was New Plymouth continued in to New Plymouth on the steamer Taupo.

1889 - Taranaki Herald,  13 December 1889: MARRIAGE. HODSON— GRIFFIN.— On the 12th inst., at the office of the Registrar, Stratford, James, eldest son of Mr F. Hodson, Tatarainaaka, to Eva, third daughter of Mr E. Griffin, of Huirangi. EVA HODSON was the daughter of EBENEZER GRIFFIN and MARY ANDREWS and was born 03 Apr 1870 in St Olave, Surrey London, England, and died 20 Oct 1938 in Wanganui 68y.

1893 Eva Hodson: On first electoral roll for women; Wife living at Ball St, Wanganui

1895:  James Hodson was a tinsmith and plumber at Inglewood

Mr James Hodson, of the " Plymouth " Bakery, has decided to bake, in addition to the ordinary loaf, the extract of malt bread. This is recommended every where by the medical profession as the most wholesome bread, and should meet with a ready demand. Orders left with the "Plymouth " Bakery will be promptly attended to.

James Hodson, Wanganui Date: 11 July 1898 Subject: For permission to remove the remains of his 2 children from one part to another of the Wanganui Cemetery (R24835461)

1898 Wanganui Herald, 10 February 1898;

PUBLIC NOTICE. Plymouth Bakery. JAS. HODSON (Late Hodson Bros.) BAKER Niblett Street, Wanganui. HAVING concluded the purchase (from the first of December) of the entire business of Hodson Bros. buying out the share of mv brother (Thomas Hodson), I take this opportunity of thanking all customers of the firm for the large mcasiue of support conferred upon Hodson Bros., and to ask for a continuance of such favours to myself, JAMES HODSON. I have secured the services of a first class expert in all branches of the trade, and needless to say will use nothing but the very best kinds of Flour procurable. Bread delivered daily (as usual) to all parts of the district. By the request of a large number of customers, J.H. is now supplying daily EXTRACT OF MALT BREAD, specially recommended by the medical profession. James Hodson, (Late Hodson Bros.) PLYMOUTH BAKERY Niblett Street, Wanganui.

1898 Wanganui Herald,  25 June 1898, DEATH. GRIFFIN — At the Wanganui Hospital, on 24th June, Ebenezer Griffin, aged 62 years.

Funeral Notice. Friends are informed that the funeral will leave the residence of his son-in-law, Mr James Hodson, Niblett Street, on Sunday, 26th. instant, at 3 p.m.— W. Cumberland, Undertaker.

1900 Wanganui Herald,  18 December 1900; Mr James Hodson, baker, confectioner, grocer, and general storckeeper, at the corner of Guyton and Bell Streets, takes the opportunity of thanking his customes of past favours, and, at the same time, wishing them the complimenta of the season. Attention is drawn to the consignment just to hand of new season's fruits for the festive season, also a splendid stock of prime hams and bacon, together with a choice assortment of table delicacies and cordials of all descriptions, crockeryware, etc. The bread manufactured by Mr James Hodson is of the finest quality, delivered to any part of the town or country ; a speciality is made of Christmas and New Year cakes, -and there is a fine variety in small goods, such as cakes, biscuits, lollies, etc. Catering is carried out in a thoroughly capable manner, and in this connection it may ba mentioned that Mr Hodson has the catering for the Friendly Societies' picnic at Matarawa on New Year's Day.

In wishing his many customers and friends the compliments of the season, Mr T. Hodson, baker, confectioner, and caterer, of tho Avenue (opposito the Catholic Church), notifies that, as in the past, it will .be his aim to supply everything of the best at his refreshment-rooms and on the very shortest notice. Particular .mention may be made of the ice creams, iced drinks, cakea, biscuits, confectionery, and Christmas and New Year cakes— one. of tho specialities of the establishment. Mr T. Hodson is well known, as the caterer for the Wanganui Jockey Club, and in undertaking to cater for balls, parties, wedding breakfasts, etc., states that every engagement made is carried out under his direct supervision.

1901 Wanganui Herald,  14 February 1901: JAMES HODSON BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, GROCER, AND GENERAL STOREKEEPER, Takes this opportunity of wishing his numerous customers THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON, and also of thanking them for past favours, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same in future. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. He desires to draw attention to his very fine consignment of NEW SEASON'S FRUITS, consisting of CURRANTS, SULTANAS, RAISINS, ALMONDS. FIGS, MUSCATELS, ' PRUNES, Etc., Etc. Also, NEW DRIED FRUITS for the 'Xmas Season,' and a lot of CALIFORNIAN CANNED FRUITS of the Best Brands. • He has 'just opened up a Splendid Stock of PRIME HAMS, PRIME BACON, and a very choice assortment of TABLE DELICACIES and CORDIALS of all descriptions. CROCKERY. "Sets of Jugs, Sugar Basins, Jam and Butter Dishes, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Small Crockery Cruets, Dinner Sets, Teapots, etc., all suitable for Christmas Presents. •BREAD of the FINEST QUALITY delivered to any part of the town or Country. ¦XMAS and NEW YEAR CAKEs, WEDDING and CHRISTENING ¦¦ CAKES a Specility. SMALL GOODS,. SMALL GOODS. Cakes, Biscuits, and Lollies. * CATERING DONE. Families Waited on Daily.JAMES HODSON, STORE Corner of Guyton and Bell Street*. Telephone 183. BAKERY— Niblett Street. Telephone 272

1902 Wanganui Herald,  30 January 1902,  BUSINESS NOTES: Mr James Hodson, baker and general storekeeper, of the corner of Bell and Guyton Streets, with bakery in Niblett Street, has a special notification in this issue to customers in Wanganui and surrounding districts. Mr Hodson mentions that having now secured- the services of a first class baker; in all branches of the trade, he is in a possition to supply bread and small goods of the very best 'quality, and delivered to all parts of the town and country daily. Mr Hodson has also a splendid stock of groceries, which he is selling at the lowest possible prices.

1902 Wanganui Herald,  9 June 1902, Page 3 MAGISTRATE'S COURT Mr C. C. Kettle, S.M., was engaged all the afternoon hearing a claim for .£25 damages made by Frances Laura Lock, of Aramoho, school teacher, against James Hodson, baker. The claim' arose out of a bicycle accident at Aramoho on April 7th, it being alleged by plaintiff that the defendant's servant, so negligently and unskilfully driving and managing a horse and cart, that the same were forced against the plaintiff, who was riding a bicycle, whereby the plaintiff was seriously injured and her bicycle broken. Mr Watt appeared for the plaintiff and Mr Treadwel) for defendant,

1903 Wanganui Herald, 15 September 1903: The Silver Grid. CHANGE OF PROPRIETORSHIP. JAMES HODSON begs to notify having taken over the above well-known Dining Rooms, from the Ist May. He trusts by having EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE, and keeping a first-class Spread, to still merit the support of all old patrons and the general public. PRIVATE LUNCHEONS, DINNERS, or SUPPERS served on the premises -if required. ' GRILLS,, FLOUNDERS, and OYSTERS .will be served as before

1903 Wanganui Herald,  30 October 1903: Mr James Hodson, the proprietor of the Silver Grid is nothing if not enterprising. His advertisements dealing in a novel way, with his business (which by the way are changed every third day) are worthy of more than passing attention. A further sample.of his up-to-date methods is the reproduction of his menu for to-morrow's dinner, and judging by the list of good things on the list, the Silver -Grid dinners must be as good as the prpnrietor is enterprising. These Menus, will appear at regular' intervals. :

1904 Wanganui Herald, 2 January 1904: OWING to the other branches of my business taking up so much of my time, I have decided to CLOSE my Store at the corner of Bell and Guyton Streets. All Accounts owing must be paid on or before the 10th January. JAMES HODSON, SILVER GRID, AVENUE.

1906 30 Oct: The Highlanders and Caledonian Society held a Euchre tournament in Mr T Hodsons well-appointed rooms on Friday night. Refreshments were served and a very sociable eveing was spent being thoroughly satisfied with the supper

1907 Wanganui Herald, 10 June 1907; NEW ZEALAND WINE LICENSES. On the application of Mr Lloyd, James Hodson was granted renewal of New Zealand wine licenses.

1907 Wanganui Herald,  24 July 1907: Mr James Hodson desires us to state that there is no truth in the rumour circulated to the effect that he is giving up the Silver Grid Dining Booms. His business has grown to such an extent, however, that he has found it necessary to provide more acommodation for the travelling public, and with this end in, view a large and commodious building is being erected for him in Ridgway Street, to be known as the Parkville Private Hotel. The building will be built and furnished on the most up-to-date lines, and the travelling public will be able to depend on receiving the very best attention. Mr Hojlson expects the new building to be ready about the middle of November.

The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Taranaki, Hawke's Bay & Wellington Provincial Districts] Hotels and Boarding Houses - The Parkville Private Hotel (J. Hodson, proprietor), Ridgway Street, Wanganui. (page 610)

This hotel is a fine two-storeyed brick building, with ornamental wooden facings and a balcony, and has a frontage of sixty-four feet to Ridgway Street. The front entrance is by large doublefolding doors opening into a fine hall, twenty feet by sixteen feet. This leads to a well-appointed dining-room, measuring thirty-four feet by forty-four feet, with accommodation for seventy guests. The remainder of the ground floor is occupied by the commercial room (which measures sixteen feet by twenty feet), a writing room, the manager's office, and accommodation for the proprietor and his staff. A broad staircase leads to the upper apartments, which include a private sitting room for ladies, a well-furnished general sitting room, bedrooms, bathrooms (with hot and cold water laid on), and lavatories. The building is lighted by gas, and there are two large three-burner incandescent are lamps on the outside of the hotel. Practically all the comforts and conveniences of civilisation are found in this well-appointed hotel, and fire-escape ladders have been placed in readiness to ensure the safety of guests. A good table is kept, and the tariff is moderate. Src:

1908 -Wanganui Herald,  23 April 1908: COURSING All interested in the Coursing Club are "reminded of the meeting to be held to-night-at Hodson's (Carlton) Tea Rooms at 7.30 o'clock.

1908 -Wanganui Herald, 13 July 1908: ST. MARY'S CLUB. Members are reminded of the euchre tournament which is to eventuate on Wednesday next, with the representatives of the Bishop Lodge of Druids, at Hodson's rooms. Any ot those desirous of taking part are asked to notify the secretary or be at Hodson's Rooms at 8 o'clock on Wednesday next. '

1909 -Wanganui Herald, 15 March 1909; HOCKEY. A general meeting of members and intending members 'of the recently-formed Federal Hockey Club will be held on Tuesday night in Hodson'« tea rooms.

1909 Wanganui Herald,  25 March 1909: PERSONAL. Mr Frank Hodson (father of Messrs James, Thomas, and George Hodson, of Wanganui), left by the express train today for Wellington en route for the Old Country, on a holiday trip to see his father. Mr Frank Hodson has just sold his farm near New Plymouth, where he has resided for the last 34 years, and intends returning to the Dominion to live in retirement. Last night the members of the family residing in Wanganui met at Mr George Hodson's, assembled together with a number of friends to wish the old gentleman bon voyage.

1909 - Wanganui Herald, 21 April 1909: OUR VOLUNTEERS. IRISH RIFLES' ANNUAL MEETING. Members of the above corps are reminded of the annual meeting which is to be held at Hodson's Tea Rooms on Friday evening, 23rd inst., when all active and honorary members are cordially invited to attend. Personal payments in connection with the recent Easter Camp will also be made.

1914 Residence "Parkville" Wanganui;  James on the committee of the Wanganui Employer association

Hodsons of Wanganui Written by Clive Otway:

The road passenger transport industry was very different 90 years ago. The main trunk railway between Wellington and Auckland was a relatively new link, and passenger trains were the means of transport about New Zealand. Horse drawn coaches were still in use in some areas, and the roads were, to be blunt, little more than muddy tracks. With manpower shortages and a lack of shipping due to wartime requirements, coal was not as readily available as it was in earlier years, and cuts were made to rail services in 1917. Into this gap stepped James Hodson, son of a pioneering Taranaki farmer, and the proprietor of Wanganui’s then "Parkville Private Hotel", commenced a service car run between Wanganui and Marton Junction in May 1917. http://www.omnibus.org.nz/history/hodsons.html

Prior to James Hodson's new service passengers for Wanganui from the Auckland to Wellington Express caught the 10.00 a.m. slow train from Marton Junction eventually reaching Wanganui around 1.15 p.m. This was deleted from the timetable which meant that passengers had to "cool their heels" at Marton Junction until the Wellington to New Plymouth Express came along at 1.30 p.m.

The Hodson car left the "Wanganui Chronicle" office at 5.15 a.m. carrying the newspaper to Marton for points further afield. His return service left Marton at mid-day. The fare for the single journey was $1.25, later reduced to $1. It was confidently expected that this welcome service would soon need to be expanded and this certainly proved to be the case. Gradually additional services were introduced so that by July 1925, there were 4 return services a day which connected with all north and southbound main trunk services. In addition a service left Wanganui for Palmerston North at 9 am, and connected with the trains to Hawkes Bay and the Wairarapa. The return service from Palmerston North also connected with an afternoon departure northwards to Taranaki.

6 jul 1918: DAILY MOTOR SERVICE. WANGANUI—MARTON. GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO REACH WELLINGTON EARLY. Leave Wanganui (Post Office) 6.45 a.m. Arrive Merton 7.55 a.m. Leave Marton 8.30 a.m. Arrives Wanganui 9.30 a.m. AFTERNOON TRIP; LINKING UP WITH AUCKLAND EXPRESSES. Leave Wanganui 3.30 p.m. Arrive Marton 5.0 ¦ p.m. Leave Marton 5.30 p.m. Arrive Wanganui 6.45 p.m. Passengers by Main Trunk using this service can reach Wanganui two full hours "ahead of the train. ’Phone 505, or wire. HODSON, Parkville, Wanganui.

By the late 1920s, this "AARD" operator was also running services between Wanganui, Hawera and New Plymouth in addition to its other services. There was also a once a day "mail and passenger" services from Wanganui to Mangamahu via Fordell and to Kakatahi and Glenns Junction up the Parapara (SH4).

The firm also operated Special Weekend trips from Wanganui to the Chateau and also to Mount Egmont's Dawsons Falls. When the 1931 Transport Act came into force, it would appear that the Wanganui to Marton and Palmerston North section was deleted (White Star operator Martin & Vernon also serviced this route) thus leaving the Wanganui-Hawera-New Plymouth route as the main service.

However there were some restrictions between New Plymouth and Inglewood due to a "local" service. In 1940, the New Zealand Railways Department purchased the service taking over 5 vehicles, 4 of which very quickly were transferred into the control of the Army. The largest vehicle, a 17 seater Leyland Cub (F/N 872) remained in the NZRRS fleet until February 1952

Death - JAMES HODSON: Place Wanganui, Occupation Hotelkeeper; Archives Ref AAOG W3559 Probate No 125/44 Archives Wgtn; Burial: Aramoho Cemetery; Occupation: Taxi Driver

Probate: 27 Sep 1944, Will; Hotel keeper, Wanganui No 125/44; Property: Lived Drury Hill, Wanganui

Obituary Wanganui Chronical 27 Oct 1938: The death has occured after an illness which lasted four years , of Mrs James Hodson, of Wanganui. The deceased lady was loved and respected by many people in different parts of New Zealand. She had a likeable nature and many endearing and human qualities, which made for her many friends.  Burial: Aramoho Cemetery; Religion: Spiritualist.