![]() EvaHodson nee Griffin (1870 - 1938)
EVA GRIFFIN was born 03 Apr
![]() The Griffin family immigrated to New Zealand on the sailing ship Mataura arriving at New Plymouth 11 Nov 1875. Her mother Mary died at the end of November 1883 at Huirangi where she was buried.Eva was talented and took an active role in community events at Huirangi where the family settled to farm. 18 December 1886: HUIRANGI. A very successful entertainment was held on Tuesday
evening for funds to fence in the hall site, when the following programmme
was gone through:
Song, Mr. G. Giddy; recitation, Miss E. Griffin; reading,
Mrs. Giddy; song ;Miss S. Rowe; recitation, Miss Knight; reading Mr.
Andrews; song, Miss O'Leury; recitation, Miss J. Andrews; song, Miss E.
Hull recitation, Mr. H. Purdie; recitation, Miss E Griffin;
song, Mrs. Rowe; recitation, Miss Knight ; reading, Mr. Campbell; song:,
Mr. G. Giddy; recitation, Miss J. Andrews; song, Miss S. Rowe; reading Mr.
O'Connell: song:, Miss Hall; recitation, Miss Langman; reading-. Mrs.
Giddy; song, Mr. Campbell; song, Miss E. Griffin, reading, Mr.
Bluck. At the close of the entertainment the room is cleared for
dancing, when the young people enjoyed themselves for a few hours longer,
and all went home seemingly well pleased with their evening amusement.
In 1889 her marriage is announced: (TH) 13 December 1889, Page 2 MARRIAGE: HODSON - GRIFFIN. On the 12th inst., at the office of the
Registrar, Stratford, James, eldest son of Mr F. Hodson, Tatarainaaka, to Eva, third daughter
of Mr E. Griffin, of Huirangi.
the first-born son of FRANCIS (FRANK) THOMAS and Diana HODSON and was
born 1868 in Lincolnshire, England. ![]() In 1893 Eva noted on the first electoral roll for women; they were living at Ball St, Wanganui.
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11999, 1 June 1894, Page 2 OUR INDUSTRIES AND TRADES. THE PLYMOUTH BAKERY, (By Our Special Correspondent.) If there is one article of
which has been a source of importance amongst housewives that
article is bread. Country, where, especially on provincial districts, so
many facilities are extant for baking, the question of
wholesome digestible article is not or has not been of much
importance, but in places where we have to depend on others doing that
which every true housewife would sooner do for herself, baking assumes a
place which no ordinary individual would consider worth a moment's notice
Who, that has read history, is not acquainted with the episode of Prince Alfred and the griddle cakes, and this in the primeval days was only another phase of the baker's and in modern days, when so many innovations have been made and the art reduced to a science, there still exists gradations while give one or to the other the palm in this particular branch of trade. It very often happens that a want is thorough knowledge of this peculiar art leads to many of the ills that the human flesh is heir to, and this is corroborated by the whole medical faculty. Dyspepsia, that scourge of the human race, that is the civilised race, is mostly attributable to badly baked bread, and no woman who has been broken into the duties of a housewife but would boycott a baker whose loaves were not properly made. Some 18 months ago, when there was an outcry against the bread that was then being supplied to the residents of Wanganui, a young man named James Hodson who was born in Lincolnshire and brought out to New Zealand when barely seven years of age, and who after his school days in New Plymouth, where his father owned a farm, removed to Waitara to learn butchering in all its branches and who was then with Mr Mitchell of meat preserving fame, conceived the idea of enlisting his brother's services and starting a bakery with a view to ameliorating the evils of badly baked bread, The brother whose service he sought to enlist, Thomas Hodson, two years younger than himself, had also passed some time in Waitara in the Freezing Works, but had come to Wanganui and entered into the baking business and had then taken himself off to Palmerston North, where, not altogether approving of the manner in which business was carried on, he moved to Wellington. Thinking that he could gain further experience in the Australian colonies, he next migrated to Sydney, but the climate not agreeing with him he came back to Wellington after having served in some of the largest shops there, The brothers meeting at Wellington, Mr James placed the state of affairs before Thomas, and it was agreed that an opportunity which would undoubtedly lead to something good then offered. Acting on a happy impulse these young men, coming to Wanganui, leased the London Bakery on the River Bank and commenced business.
Two thousand six hundred loaves a week are baked by the Hodson Bros., and this, despite the fact that the firm has only been in existence 18 months, and that there are numerous other bakers in town, puts the hall mar on the article produced at the Plymouth Bakery. Twice a week the Messrs Hodson produce currant loaves which are growing daily in greater demand. Not having a shop in town, they yet go in for the manufacture of small goods and employ one man specially for this branch of the trade. These small goods are delivered twice a week at the houses of customers. Five hands arc constantly employed, and amongst the customers of the firm are the Girls' College and several other large public places. Most of the prominent shopkeepers of Wanganui deal with the Messrs Hodson, and judging from what has already been achieved, it would not be making a mistake were I to prophesy that ere long, so far as purely the baker's business is concerned, these enterprising brothers will find themselves unapproachable. 1898 James had been in partnership with his brother in their "Plymouth" bakery and announced in February Mr James Hodson, of the "Plymouth" Bakery, has decided to bake, in addition to the ordinary loaf, the extract of malt bread. This is recommended every where by the medical profession as the most wholesome bread, and should meet with a ready demand. Orders left with the "Plymouth " Bakery will be promptly attended to. On the 24 June 1898 at the Wanganui Hospital, Eva's father Ebenezer Griffin died, aged 62 years. Funeral Notice. Friends are informed that the funeral will leave the residence of his son-in-law, Mr James Hodson, Niblett Street, on Sunday, 26th. instant, at 3 p.m. W. Cumberland, Undertaker Hard work and attention to custom meant James's business prospered as evidenced by these advertisments: 1900 Wanganui Herald, 18 December: BUSINESS NOTES: Mr James Hodson, baker, confectioner, grocer, and general storckeeper, at the corner of Guyton and Bell Streets, takes the opportunity of thanking his customes of past favours, and, at the same time, wishing them the compliments of the season. Attention is drawn to the consignment just to hand of new season's fruits for the festive season, also a splendid stock of prime hams and bacon, together with a choice assortment of table delicacies and cordials of all descriptions, crockeryware, etc. The bread manufactured by Mr James Hodson is of the finest quality, delivered to any part of the town or country ; a speciality is made of Christmas and New Year cakes, and there is a fine variety in small goods, such as cakes, biscuits, lollies, etc. Catering is carried out in a thoroughly capable manner, and in this connection it may ba mentioned that Mr Hodson has the catering for the Friendly Societies' picnic at Matarawa on New Year's Day. In wishing his many customers and friends the compliments of the season, Mr T. Hodson, baker, confectioner, and caterer, of the Avenue (opposito the Catholic Church), notifies that, as in the past, it will be his aim to supply everything of the best at his refreshment-rooms and on the very shortest notice. Particular mention may be made of the ice creams, iced drinks, cakea, biscuits, confectionery, and Christmas and New Year cakes, one of tho specialities of the establishment. Mr T. Hodson is well known, as the caterer for the Wanganui Jockey Club, and in undertaking to cater for balls, parties, wedding breakfasts, etc., states that every engagement made is carried out under his direct supervision. 1901 Wanganui Herald, 14 February 1901: JAMES HODSON BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, GROCER, AND GENERAL STOREKEEPER, Takes this opportunity of wishing his numerous customers THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON, and also of thanking them for past favours, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same in future. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. He desires to draw attention to his very fine consignment of NEW SEASON'S FRUITS, consisting of CURRANTS, SULTANAS, RAISINS, ALMONDS. FIGS, MUSCATELS, PRUNES, Etc., Etc. Also, NEW DRIED FRUITS for the Xmas Season, and a lot of CALIFORNIAN CANNED FRUITS of the Best Brands. He has just opened up a Splendid Stock of PRIME HAMS, PRIME BACON, and a very choice assortment of TABLE DELICACIES and CORDIALS of all descriptions. CROCKERY. "Sets of Jugs, Sugar Basins, Jam and Butter Dishes, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Small Crockery Cruets, Dinner Sets, Teapots, etc., all suitable for Christmas Presents. BREAD of the FINEST QUALITY delivered to any part of the town or Country. XMAS and NEW YEAR CAKEs, WEDDING and CHRISTENING CAKES a Speciality. SMALL GOODS,. SMALL GOODS. Cakes, Biscuits, and Lollies. CATERING DONE. Families Waited on Daily. JAMES HODSON, STORE Corner of Guyton and Bell Street*. Telephone 183. BAKERY Niblett Street. Telephone 272.Mr Hodson has also a splendid stock of groceries, which he is selling at the lowest possible prices. (Source Cyclopedia) The Silver Grid Dining and Supper Rooms was established in 1903 by James Hodson in Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. There was a large general dining room and a private dining room for ladies -together having a seating capacity for seventy persons. 1903, 30 October: "The Silver Grid".
CHANGE OF PROPRIETORSHIP. JAMES HODSON begs to notify having taken over
the above well-known Dining Rooms, from the Ist May. He trusts by having
EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE, and keeping a first-class Spread, to still merit
the support of all old patrons and the general public. PRIVATE LUNCHEONS,
DINNERS, or SUPPERS served on the premises -if required. ' ' GRILLS,,
FLOUNDERS, and OYSTERS .will be served as before.
2 January 1904: OWING to the other
branches of my business taking up so much of my time, I have decided to
CLOSE my Store at the corner of Bell and Guyton Streets. All Accounts
owing must be paid on or before the 10th January. JAMES HODSON, SILVER
GRID, AVENUE. 1907 10 June: James Hodson were granted
renewal of New Zealand wine license 1907 Wanganui Herald, 24 July:
Mr James Hodson desires us to state that there is no
truth in the rumour circulated to the effect that he is giving up the
Silver Grid Dining Booms. His business has grown to such an extent,
however, that he has found it necessary to provide more acommodation for
the travelling public, and with this end in, view a large and commodious
building is being erected for him in Ridgway Street, to be known as the
Parkville Private Hotel. The building will be built and furnished on the
most up-to-date lines, and the travelling public will be able to depend on
receiving the very best attention. Mr Hodson expects the new building to
be ready about the middle of November. The Cyclopedia of New Zealand
[Taranaki, Hawke's Bay & Wellington Provincial Districts]
Hotels and Boarding Houses - The
Parkville Private Hotel (J. Hodson, proprietor), Ridgway Street, Wanganui.
(page 610) This hotel is a fine two-storeyed brick
building, with ornamental wooden facings and a balcony, and has a frontage
of sixty-four feet to Ridgway Street. The front entrance is by large
doublefolding doors opening into a fine hall, twenty feet by sixteen feet.
This leads to a well-appointed dining-room, measuring thirty-four feet by
forty-four feet, with accommodation for seventy guests. The remainder of
the ground floor is occupied by the commercial room (which measures
sixteen feet by twenty feet), a writing room, the manager's office, and
accommodation for the proprietor and his staff. A broad staircase leads to
the upper apartments, which include a private sitting room for ladies, a
well-furnished general sitting room, bedrooms, bathrooms (with hot and
cold water laid on), and lavatories. The building is lighted by gas, and
there are two large three-burner incandescent are lamps on the outside of
the hotel. Practically all the comforts and conveniences of civilisation
are found in this well-appointed hotel, and fire-escape ladders have been
placed in readiness to ensure the safety of guests. A good table is kept,
and the tariff is moderate. James Hodson's Tea rooms offered
various Wanganui clubs a venue for their meeting - eg Coursing Club are
"reminded of the meeting to be held to-night-at Hodson's (Carlton) Tea
Rooms at 7.30 o'clock; ST. MARY'S CLUB. Members are reminded of the euchre
tournament which is to eventuate on Wednesday next, with the
representatives of the Bishop Lodge of Druids, at Hodson's rooms; HOCKEY.
A general meeting of members and intending members 'of the recently-formed
Federal Hockey Club will be held on Tuesday night in Hodson's tea
rooms. Report: In March 1909, James and
brothers Thomas and George Hodson, farewelled their father Mr Frank Hodson
who left by the express train for Wellington en route for the Old Country,
on a holiday trip to see his father. Mr Frank Hodson has just sold his
farm near New Plymouth, where he has resided for the last 34 years, and
intends returning to the Dominion to live in retirement. Last night the
members of the family residing in Wanganui met with a number of friends to
wish the old gentleman bon voyage. In May 1917 entrepreneur James Hodson,
the proprietor of Wanganui's "Parkville Private Hotel", entered the
road passenger transport industry . The Hodsons
now lived at Durie Hill, Wanganui.
These wonderful family photos depict James Hodson's vision
in setting up Wanganui passenger transport. They were sent by David
Leitch, his grandson. David says, in a dictionary they were stamped
"Hodson Pioneer Motor Services Ltd" and his mother told him "Aard" meant
"world wide" however reference to Dutch and Afrikaans' sources indicate
that it means "nature". Additional links Bus and Coach Association (NZ) and then scroll down
for Wikipedia "Passenger
1938 Obituary Wanganui
Chronical: The death 20 Oct 1938 has occured after an illness
which lasted four years of Mrs James Hodson, of Wanganui.
The deceased lady was loved and respected by many people
in different parts of New Zealand. She had a likeable nature and many
endearing and human qualities, which made for her many friends. Eva aged
68 years, was buried at the Aramoho Cemetery, Wanganui.
On 14th September 1944, James
Hodson, hotelkeeper (his probate states "taxi driver") passed
away after a life of endeavour, aged 76 years and was buried with
Eva, his wife of 49 years, at Aramoho. Click here for James and Eva's Hodson Children |