Date Details Sample Click below to access photos
August 2001
Thank you to all descendants of William Cone who wrote supplying details of their family! This gave a valuable insight into personal lives of families and the wonderful information allowed our  descendant tree to be formulated. At the reunion, Cone descendants attending the reunion at Christchurch added additional data and brought photos which gave vision to individual members. As information is known, data has since been updated and treasured photos have been copied and are on this website, ensuring people never will be forgotten.
24 August 2001
The family gathered, were met, welcomed and together, we renewed our links with each line.
We are indebted to Ron Cone who took the idea of staging a reunion through to its final fruition exactly 150 years after our Cone family immigrated from Suffolk. He arranged our venue with the able assistance of ... ...names please! ... ... ... A
All attending stated it "a resounding success."
A few photos
25 August
We commemorated our pioneer ancestor William Cone, his wife and four children by planting a tree on William's grave in Barbadoes Cemetery. William's accident in 1852 occurred just 9 short months after arrival and the 2001 Cone reunion ensured his final resting place was recorded by his descendants.
Our bus took us past the home of the Cunningham family and on to Webb's Wharf, a landing or quay. Here, small boats ferried  goods up-river from the mouth of the Heathcote to be off-loaded here for the early residents of Christchurch.
It is marked by a  Historic Places Trust o
From Rangiora we crossed the Ashley River, the bridge which brought a lifeline to the nearby town and saw Cones Road where all four of William Cone's children at some time  lived.
We viewed the concrete home built by George Cone which is still lived in and visited the Rangiora cemetery and the excellent museum.
Bus Outing 
26 August 2001
"A family who eat together, stay together". Fine food was shared and we celebrated our time together by the cutting of the beautiful reunion cake which symbolised to all, our valued past and our hope for the future.
8-9 April 2008
Group Photos of Cone descendants attending the reunion - Our thoughts were with all who were unable to be with us and we left with the expressed hope, that maybe sometime, somewhere, we all will meet again........
Cone Group

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