In 1873 With their children John and Henrietta immigrated on board the "Star Of India" to Lyttelton, New Zealand. The Christchurch Immigration Office interviewed passengers:John Watts wrote 14
January 1874: "I was advised by my Brother who is a medical man, to
emigrate either to New Zealand, Queensland, or Canada. I chose New Zealand
on account of the climate. I saw an advertisement in a paper
- "Wanted a married couple; wages £65 per annum and all found, the
woman to work in the house, man to milk, work in garden etc". This first
convinced me that the wages were so good in New Zealand. I went to the
Agent General's Office and found every one very obliging, there was no
difficulty in getting my papers filled up. I called twice at the Office
and my Contract ticket was filled up for the Dilawur. I had to wait five
days for the Star of India. I received one shilling and sixpence per Adult
for my family during this detention. I believe that the best way of
promoting Emigration would be to have popular lectures on New Zealand to
the working classes in the East End of London and to distribute
gratuitously pamphlets such as that published by Street for Shaw, Savill
& Co. I bought one - a great many people saw it and read it. They thus
heard of New Zealand for the first time as a field for Emigration. The
advertisements for the Agent General are amongst the shipping
advertisements and not one person in a thousand for whom the
advertisements are intended ever see them. It was quite by accident that I
saw the advertisement in the "Standard". (Src: Archives NZ Ref: IM
74/97) The family settled in Christchurch . 9 October 1876: The Board then proceeded to discuss the report of the committee seriatim. After a lengthy discussion in committee on the first clause, it was resolved?" that John Watts, caretaker at the West Christchurch School, be appointed as caretaker for the library."30 May 1878:CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITAL. TO the Applicants for the Office of House Steward - Mr. John Watts has been Appointed. 18 May 1888 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE. The distribution of the medallions won by members of the different classes in connection with the Canterbury branch of St. John Ambulance Association took place last night in the Provincial Council Chambers. There was a very good attendance of ladies. His Worship the Mayor presided, and said that he had been requested by the Committee of the Association to perform the ceremony of presenting the medallions to those members of the Society who were entitled to receive them Among those listed: John Watts 23 Jul 1890: The ladies made use of, and praised highly, a simple but ingenious bandage-rolling machine that has been made and presented to the Ambulance classes by Mr John Watts, hon. secretary of the Fire Brigade Ambulance Corps. 27 June 1916: FUNERAL NOTICES. THE Funeral of the late John Watts will leave his son's residence 72 Conway street. Spreydon on Wednesday, June 28th, at 2 p.m. for the Sydenham Cem. (84Y) Bur. Blk 17c, Plot 15, Sydenham Cemetery Children of JOHN WATTS
JOSEPH ROBERT WATTS was b: Jul 1865 St Pauls, Deptford, Kent, England. In NZ he worked for a time on the railways before becoming a farmer at Okaiawa. He mar: 8 Mar 1894 to JANE THERESA BALL at the Holy Trinity Church, Stratford, Taranaki- his occ: coach driver of Toko. She was b: 1875 in Christchurch, New Zealand, and d: 11 Sep 1944 in Hawera, Taranaki. Joseph d: on 7 Dec 1921 in Hawera, South Taranaki aged 55 yrs. Taranaki Herald, 18 July
1882: The Okaiawa hotel is in the hands of Mr. Watts, lately in
business at Hawera as cabinet maker and upholsterer, and the host has
signified his intention of shortly entertaining the influential settlers
of the district at luncheon with the object of discussing the prospects of
that portion of the Waimate Plains, and arranging plans for communicating
with the Government re the opening up the adjoining bush lands by means of
roads to form arteries of communication with the town of Okaiawa. Very
commendable energy is shown by the business people in developing the
resources of the neighbourhood, and it is likely that the present small
settlement is but the nucleus of an eventually large town. The forthcoming
sale of land on the continuous reserve will give a further impetus to
Okaiawa, whose central situation is so well appreciated by the settlers.
In addition to the land previously spoken of in these columns as surveyed
and for sale, a further block of 800 acres has been surveyed and
sub-divided into 50 acre sections, and will be sold shortly. This block is
bounded on FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral of the late Joseph Robert Watts will leave the residence, Burgon Road, Okaiawa, TO-MORROW (Thursday), Dec 8th, 1921, at 1 p.m. for the Hawera Cemetery. Friends please accept this intimation Clarence, father Joseph Robert; Harold, Ivy; mother Jane; Leslie In front: Reeford and Percy (twins) Photo abt 1910
Children of JOSEPH
i. IVY MAY BALL, b. 25 Jul 1894 at Stratford, Taranaki, mar 1918 to George Hartley Knight, she d: New Plymouth ii. HENRY JOHN WATTS, b. 23 May 1896 at Stratford, Taranaki; Occ: farmer; WW1 1916-1918;
Jul 1898 at Stratford, Taranaki; d. 1989; mar: June 20 1928 to WINIFRED
MAY MCLEAN (b. 27 April 1904 to parents John McLean (1841-1947) and
mother Eliza nee Wicks (1874-1964)) She d: 14 Feb 1979, bur: Hawera
Cem 16 Feb.
iv. LESLIE ARTHUR WATTS, b. 05 Sep 1899 at Stratford, Taranaki; d. 1985. He mar: Sylvia Irene Lord (b: 1899; d: 1985) Their daughter Shirley Irene Watts d: 1932 v. JOHN BERNARD WATTS, b. 1902; d. 1903 aged 13M vi. PERCY JOSEPH WATTS, b. 06 May 1903; Kaupokonui - Farmer; d. April 21 1973 Taranaki; bur; Manaia Cem. 24/4/1973 agd 71Y vii. REEFORD BALL WATTS (b. 06 May 1903; Occ: farmer at Kaupokonui; he d. 27 Feb 1966, Kaupokonui, Taranaki Bur: 1 Mar 1966 Manaia Cem. aged 62 yrs) Reef mar: 1936 to ELSIE MAY GRIFFIN at the Wesley Church, Hawera; She was b: 16 Feb 1909, Kaponga, Taranaki to Father Arthur Griffin (1872-1956) and mother Helena Maria nee Adlam (1874-1963) Elsie d: 29 Jun 2001, Taupo.