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Arthur Griffin was born at 22 Perservance St.
Bermondsey, St James, London, Surrey on 16th May 1872 (his Army
records state 11th May however he altered the date to
reduce his age. He told his children he was
a true cockney having been born within the sound of bow Bells. He
was only three when parents Ebenezer and Mary Ann Griffin
immigrated in 1875 with their family to NZ on the "Mataura" ,
The family first settled in New Plymouth
and then found labouring work at Huirangi near where his
mother's uncle and aunt, the Rowes, lived. Schooling would
have been intermittent for children of pioneers -
attendance could be governed by weather, sickness, having to
milk before or after or time out helping with farm
work. The on-going skills acquired in the
process gave independence and ability to deal with life's
In 1880, eldest sister Alice married
and left home to live in Wellington.
In June 1882 Arthur's father Ebenezer's
horse fell while riding, and he sustained a
serious fracture of the leg above the ankle. He was brought
into town, and his injuries were attended to at the Hospital and the
following year, 1883 when Arthur was 11 years of age, his
mother died
4 December 1883: DEATH. GRIFFIN: On the Ist December,
at Huirangi, Mary Ann, belovel wife of Mr. G. Griffin, aged 46. �
Respected by all who knew her.
The family were left devastated - (Arthur's
youngest brother, Edgar was just 3) They would have pulled together
and much of the mantle of nurturing the younger family would have
fallen to the shoulders of 18 year old Ada.
Arthur took on labouring jobs, bush clearing
and may possibly have been employed by George Adlam in
some capacity when a decade later, he met George's

Marys Church Arthur Griffin married 6th July 1896
37 Vivian St, New
Plymouth, |
Arthur and Helena's first two children Madge and Ernest
were born at New Plymouth.
Opunake Times, 10 Sept 1897: The Land Board sanctioned the
following transfer: SUB-LEASE. Margaret Hastie was granted permission to
sub-let p.l. section 7, block 9, Kaupokonui to A. Griffin
No doubt, the �100 inheritance, a lot of money in those
days, which each of Ebenezer's children were said to have received at age
21 (reputedly from Ebenezer's mother's family, the Trasks made from
growing hops in England.) This would have assisted Arthur's purchase
in 1898, of farm land on the Upper Mangawhero Road. Helena and
Arthur's other nine children were born there and all attended the
Riverlea School. (Life as a
(About 1900) Taranaki Times: 4 Jan 1940: Arthur Griffin -
Recollections... by Mr D J Hughes, Normanby A
long-distance foot race where men ran for a wager was made in
Kaponga almost 40 years ago "Arthur Griffin was the best all-round
man for his weight in those parts 40 years ago. The following is a brief
account of the Riverlea-Kaponga road race to the best of my memory. The
late Oliver Robinson put up �5 that Arthur Griffin could beat a
well-known 'ped.', Mr Clarke. Clarke who had to give Griffin three minutes
start. The late Mr Bob Dawbin was the starter and Robinson was
time-keeper. The race started from the corner of the Opunake and
Mangawhero Roads, down the Mangawhero Road and along the Eltham Road to
the Kaponga Hotel, a distance of six miles, and a man on horseback paced
each runner. A large crowd waited at Kaponga. Griffin came in first and
changed into his everyday clothes to await his opponent. Griffin's time
was 29 minutes 30 seconds and Clarkes, 32 minutes 40 seconds, the result
being that Griffin could have given Clarke three minutes and still won by
10 seconds".
27 April 1903: A case of scarlet fever is reported from the
Mangawhero Road, but it is satisfactory to know that the patient is
progressing as well as can be expected. Whooping cough is causing great
suffering amongst the children of many of the settlers.
14 August 1903: A report has just reached Eltham that the
mail coach from Opunake capsized, this morning in the Mangawhero River and
was washed down stream. The river was running bank high at the time. It is
reported that Kidd, the coach driver, was drowned. It has been pouring
here incessantly for thirty-six hours. A horse has just been seen floating
past Kaupokonui.
25 July 1906: DAIRYING NOTES. The Eltham Dairy
Company is expecting that the milk supply will necessitate some of
its creameries being opened early next month. The Mangawhero creamery
will probably be the first to re-open. Others will be re-started as soon
as there is a sufficient supply
Hawera & Normanby Star,25 April 1907: School Committee
Elections: RIVERLEA. At the householders meeting Messrs A. Voullaire, C.
Waite, W. and J. Gardner, W. O'Neill, A. Griffin, and J. Valentine were
elected a school committee for the ensuing year. Subsequenttly Mr A.
Voullaire was re-elected chairman and secretary and Mr W. O'Neill
treasurer. The balance-sheet showed �5 10s 4d in hand after an expenditure
of �15 Is 11d: As the total income is only �15 13s 11d the late committee
must have worked very carefully. They had �4 18s 4d ballance in hand on
Ist April, 1906, so they have not much to come and go by.
15 May 1907, The Mangawhero and Rotokare Road farmers
generally in a contented mind with the general farming work being at a low
ebb, the followers of the plough have now a little more time to inquire
into matters a little beyond the cow-bail and the turnip padlock. This
season there have been some extraordinary growths in carrots, turnips, and
mangles, The several milking machines introduced this season appear to be
doing the work required in a satisfactory manner.

1908 February 11. Bush fires, from which the greater
part of this district has happily been free, broke out on the Auroa and
Mangawhero Roads and Stratford-Opunake Road on Sunday. The grass and
bush burnt fiercely, the flames travelling at a terrific rate. Geary's new
house, and some sheds belonging to Campbell, Satcholl, and Searle were
burnt. Other places were saved with the utmost difficulty, the bands of
workers being blinded and exhausted by the smoke and heat. A territory two
miles wide and 10x15 miles long has been devastated. (In book "Stumps and
Stainer"P37- photo settlers cutting firewood for the dairy factory after
the fire)
29 October 1909: Magistrate's Court; Opunake Times: BOXING
FOR FUN. G. Ward (a darkie) and A. Griffin were charged by the police with
being engaged in a boxing exhibition at Awatuna, at which a collection was
taken up, the same being contrary to law, as no permit was granted. The
accused both pleaded guilty. The Magistrate said it was not a very serious
offence, but unless the law were obeyed disturbances might be. created. He
would convict them both and fine them 5s without costs. A batch of men
were charged with being present at the boxing exhibition, and were
convioted and fined 2s and costs. The Magistrate said he had the power to
fine them �20, but as no barm was done he would let them off lightly.

Arthur, Helena Griffin and nine children 1910c,
Riverlea: Back row - Ernest, Madge; Middle Row: Eva, Alfred, Arthur
holding Vera, Helena holding Elsie, Harold; Sittin in font: Clarrie and
Eric. Click Here
1 May 1913: RIVERLEA - Hawera & Normanby
Star:RIVERLEA. The newly-formed Sports and Pastimes Club held its
opening night on Monday evening, when some thirty enthusiasts were
present, including several boys. Things were very well managed, and the
club is decidedly lucky in having secured the services of Mr A. Griffin as
coach. Mr Griffin took much trouble with his pupils and kept them well in
hand, insisting on being obeyed and allowing no nonsense. He was ably,
supported by the committee, and all present expressed themselves as well
pleased by the evening's lessons. The subscription has been fixed at the
very low figure of 7s 6d, and for youths under 18, at half that figure.
The club intends meeting every Monday evening in the hall, and all
intending members should put in an appearance as soon as possible, so as
to get the most benefit from Mr Griffin's tuition. It is intended by the
committee to run a tournament at the conclusion of the season if possible,
for the purpose of finding out the best improved boxers among its members.
Arthur did contracting work for the Eltham Council to
supplement his farm income, and the milking was done by his family.
Hawera & Normanby Star, 1 May 1913 RIVERLEA. The
newly-formed Sports and Pastimes Club held its opening night on Monday
evening, when some thirty enthusiasts were present, including several
boys,. Things were very well managed, and the club is decidedly lucky in
having secured the services of Mr A. Griffin as coach. Mr Griffin took
much, trouble with his pupils and kept them' well in hand, insisting on
being obeyed and allowing no nonsense. He was ably, supported by the
committee, and ail present expressed themselves as well pleased by the
evening's lessons. The subscription has been fixed at the very low figure
of 7s 6d, and for youths undier 18, at half that figure. intends
meeting every Monday evening in the hall, and all intending members should
put in an appearance as soon as possible, so as to get the most benefit
from Mr Griffin's tuition. It is intended by the committee to run a
tournament at the conclusion of the season if possible, for the purpose of
finding but the best improved boxers among its members.
Hawera & Normanby Star, 20 August 1913 RIVERLEA
Another old settler has disposed ot his property in the person of Mr
Arthur Griffin, who has sold out to Mr Leon Baigent, of Kaponga. I
understand Mr Griffin intends settling in the Inaha district
Hawera & Normanby Star, 15 September
1913 RIVERLEA. VALEDICTORY. The farewell social to Mr and Mrs Griffin
and family took place in the local hall on Thursday evening, and was a
very successful function, visitors coming from as far as Mangatoki. The
hall was well filled, there being just sufficient dancing room. During the
evening songs were given by Messrs Shallue and Felton (comic), whilst Mr
J. Webby gave a selection of gramaphone items. The music was provided by
Mrs Taylor and extras were played by Mesdames Knight and Solley and Miss
Wills, Mr G. Smith accompanying occasionally on the violin. About 10.30 Mr
O'Niel, on behalf of the residents of Riverlea and surrounding districts,
presented Mr and Mrs Griffin with a silver afternoon tea service and
silver tray In making the presentation Mr O'Niel referred to the excellent
qualities of Mr and Mrs Griffin as neighbors, and expressed regret at
their departure from the district. On behalf of those present he wished
them all success and happiness in their new home at Inaha. Messrs
Hammersley and Dawbia also spoke. Mr Griffin suitably responded, and the
company then sang "For He's a Jolly good Fellow." After another dance an
excellent supper was handed round to which everyone did full justice.
MrsTO'Niel was in charge of the supper department and was assisted by
Mesdames Solley and Gargan. After supper dancing was resumed and continued
till about 2 a.m., when the party broke up after singing "Auld Lang Syne."
Mr and Mrs Griffin, who have resided here for about 15 years, will be much
missed, and "your own" wishes them the best of good luck in their new
Taranaki Daily News: Written by Mr D J
Hughes - 4 Jan 1940
Arthur has had a hectic
career since his race at Kaponga. For two and a half years he was a
German prisoner of war, he was ill-used and made to work in a half-starved
state. He was spat upon by school-children and was called an English dog
every morning he went to work. When he lagged behind through weakness he
was prodded with a bayonet. "When arrested he and his mate were put
against a wall be shot. The first fusillade ended his mate's life and the
firing squad lifted their rifles to end his when an officer ran out and
stopped them. Griffin was then taken before the head men and asked
some questions. His papers had been examined and among then was a
photograph of his wife, and 11 children.
"Why did you come to the war from
New Zealand?" he was asked. "Because I was told that if the Germans won
they would come and take my farm," he replied. He was reprieved, although
he begged them to shoot him.. Many weary days and nights he suffered
before the Armistice came. Today he is still going strong and he has
the tidiest vegetable garden around Normanby. He has also played his part
domestically in starting his sons on farms. As an old neighbour and
fellow-bushman of Arthur Griffin, I take off my hat to

Helena Griffin and her 11 children - Photo
taken before May 1916 Back row: Ernest, Madge, Alf, Harold; Third row
(standing) Eric, Eva, Clarrie; Second Row: Vera, Helena, Elsie,
Rupert; Front: Clyde (This was likely the photo Arthur had in his
pocket when captured as a POW in 1917) Click Here
Hawera & Normanby Star, 10 March 1919: HOME AGAIN -
RETURNED MEN WELCOMED A large draft of Taranaki returned soldiers
reached home on .Saturday's express train. The Hawera and district men
were given a warm welcome by tne local citizens, who turned up at the
station in strong foire. The platform, as usual, was decorated with
bunting. Welcome home addresses were given by Crs. L. A. Bone, E. C.
Hayton, and the Rev. C. H. Grant Qoweu, after which cheers were given the
returned soldiers. Among those who returned were Corporal Linn M.M. of
Normanby, and Rifleman Griffin M.M. of Inaha. Arthur's departure had profoundly impacted their family left behind who were forced to
live through his lengthy separation where delays in receiving
correspondence were lengthy and the daily agony of the newspaper
casualty lists realised their worst fears - Arthur's whereabouts unknown then located as a prisoner of war and the death of
By war's end, 18,000 men, or
eight percent of the country’s men aged between nineteen and forty-five
years, had died. Still more men succumbed to their injuries
or war-related illnesses in the decades that followed. Arthur's war-acquired
disabilities, both mental and physical, were to fracture the famiiy in the years that
During the 1914-18 War, the
repatriated sick and wounded came under the control of the Health
Department and wards or annexes were provided at the larger hospitals to
meet the need of the large numbers of military patients. In March
1918 the Cabinet decided that the Defence Department should
have the sole responsibility for the after-care and treatment of both
discharged and undischarged disabled soldiers. Special military
orthopaedic teams trained in England became available and special military
hospitals and annexes were set up in all the main centres.
Arthur was sent for
therapeutic treatment at the Defence Department Convalescent
hospital at Rotorua - his wife Helena accompanied him.
Grand-daughter Myra wrote on the photo back: "Arthur and
Helena Maria Griffin at Rotorua with Guide Rangi just after 1st World War,
1919".  Helena second from left, Arthur in uniform, centre.
Hawera & Normanby Star, 19 February 1921: LUCERNE -- HAWERA FARMERS VISIT LOCAL CROPS Mr. Griffin (Main South Road). The
first area of three acres was sown, in November, 1913, with Marlborough
seed, 10 lbs per acre in drills 10 inches apart. Lime was used at the rate
of 5 cwt. per acre, and this with 3 cwt. super, 3 cwt. slag, and 2 cwt.
bone was worked into the ground before sowing. Having been cropped for
years previously, the ground was very foul, and intensive cultivation was
resorted to kill as much weed as possible before sowing and when the crop
came up, inter-cultivation by hand was necessary to save it from being
choked by rank growth of weeds. As soon as the lucerne was sufficiently
rooted, a light scarifier was used. After the second year very little
trouble was experienced, but the scarifier and tine harrows are
systematically used after each cutting and the ground kept clean and an
good condition. During the last six years this paddock has done well, and.
as many as five crops in the year have been taken off. This season it was
grazed in September and October; cut December 4, and again on January 3,
and was again (February 7) thirty inches high. The second area of two
acres was put in at the same time and under similar conditions to the
above. It was fed off in September, cut on November 4, December 18, and
January 24, and was again 18 inches high. The ground was splendidly
cultivated. Mr Deem remarked that these crops showed that the first
were not just flukes. A man who put in his crop properly and on suitable
land, and who gave it proper treatment and systematic cultivation, went on
getting good and improving crops year after year.
Electoral Rolls: Beween 1919 and 1925 Arthur is
listed at Inaha; Settler
Hawera & Normanby Star, 19 Sep 1922: HAWERA ENLISTMENTS.
NINETY-SIX NAMES NANED IN Enlistments for the Turkish war are coming
in fast, and up till 10 am today 96 men were enrolled at the Hawera
Defence Office (Among them listed - A Griffin)
Hawera & Normanby Star, 14 Nov 1923: SPRING
CART. Milk cart horse, exhibited by supplier to factory. Shown in
harness and driven. A. Griffin's (Inaha) Major (1) J V French's
(Hawera) Bloss (2) A. Lankow's (Manaia) Captain
It was about this time that Arthur and Helena
separated and continued to live apart until their death.
Arthur lost the regard of his family. At the declaration of war, patriotism drove him to immediately respond and enlist to fight in support of his land of birth. He reduced his age to gain service acceptance. His wife and family were left to hold the forte at home and at war's end, the deaths of the two children, Eva and Ernest, broke the family apart.
Arthur left a fit athletic man. In those first years away, his heroism was acknowledged and then followed degradation and cruelty as a German war prisoner. A shell-shocked skeleton, he returned to New Zealand,to learn his daughter Eva had been lost to flu, that his wife also had been very ill in hospital, his oldest son Ernest was dead overseas leaving the family with no body to mourn - and likely credited this was his fault. To try and come to terms with his return and still in uniform, Helena and Arther made a reconcileration trip to Rotorua, but separation was to follow. Newspapers record how he turned to alcohol to avoid night-time horrors - no post-war psychological was available help then, and companionship of friends. In the years following, his contact became restricted to odd appearances to visit various family - he was ostrasized and when he died, his lawyer who wrote his will, atated he did not know Arthur had children. Helena held her family together helped by her Christian faith.
Normanby Rates Book: 1937 NORMANBY
1950 Normandy Rates Book
The photographer who photographed 1914, Arthur and the family, was Walter George Billows, b: 1867 Nelson son of Michael Billows (mariner) and Mary Ann Devenport; he d: 26 December 1938 at the New Plymouth Hospital; bur: Te Henui Cem: