Rose Pelvin was born 22 March 1861 in Tunbridge Wells, Kent and died 4th September 1934 at Timaru, South Canterbury where she is buried.
She married Walter William Lane on the 14th March 1893 in Dunedin

      Walter Lane was born in Wiltshire 9th April 1851 at Malmesbury and his early years were spent on his father's farm where he was described as a "Farm Bailiff". He emigrated to New Zealand leaving on May 7, 1874.
     The "Adamant" was an old vessel, an iron barque of 815 tons and had been built in 1858 and was later purchased by the Shaw Saville Company. The voyage to Nelson was her second to New Zealand (the first in 1873 had been to Lyttleton.) It was considered a fast passage for the old ship, having rounded Tasmania on the 79th day out.
She had left Plymouth on May 7th, with a fine breeze from the N.W., discharging the pilot the same day and crossed the equator on Tuesday the 2nd June, in longitude 16 West. Fine weather prevailed until Wednesday June 10, when it blew hard from the eastward. At about 11 am a very heavy squall struck the ship carrying away the bowsprit and all attached to it, and splitting the jibs to ribbons. Between Cape of Good Hope and Tasmania experienced occasional gales. In sight of Tasmania on Thursday July 23, from thence experienced light northerly winds and viewed Cape Farewell at daylight Friday - the longest distance logged in one day was 250 miles.  Strong westerly winds continued until she neared the New Zealand coast and she did not reach Nelson until 12 days later arriving on the 6th of August - this 91 days from port to port was to be her fastest passage to New Zealand. On board were 340 government immigrants, far too many for the accommodation provided. There were 12 deaths during the voyage.
On 10th August 1874 she was towed into Nelson harbour by the steamer Wallace shortly after 4 p.m. the same day.
Nelson Evening Mail reported 10th August 1874 - The Adamant hauled alongside the Government wharf this morning, and the passengers were allowed to land and a number of them have been about the town all day enjoying the bright sunlight. The single men will take up their quarters to-night at the new Asylum, which has been temporally converted into barracks, and the remainder will follow to-morrow. Taken as a whole they are a smart looking lot of people, and we trust that they provide a useful class of colonists. They hail from all parts of England, but especially from the southern counties, and a few are from Ireland. They speak in very high terms of the treatment and attention the received at the hands of the captain and doctor, and it is satisfactory to learn that those offices give excellent characters to those who have been under their charge for the last three months. There was a good deal of sickness on the voyage, no less than five cases of measles having occurred. There were twelve deaths, all of children, two from measles, and the remainder from bronchitis and diarrhoea. The complement is made up as follows - 52 married couples, 42 single women and 83 single men. They will be open for engagement at the Asylum on Wednesday. Divine service was conducted on board the ship yesterday morning by the Bishop of Nelson. Ship photo
After Walter landed he spent the next two years at Marlborough followed by a year working in Otago. He next went to Canterbury in 1877 and settled at Redcliffs, Waihaorunga, Waimate. In 1892, he bought 400 acres of free-hold property and had 3800 acres leasehold, (possibly No 36391) which was originally part of the Waimate run.
Breaking in the land for agriculture was dangerous - in Sept 1890 the Timaru Herald reported  that Mr Walter Lane, of Upper Waihao, had a narrow escape from being burnt to death. He was burning tussock on his run and the wind sprang up so suddenly that he was unable to get away from the flames - his clothes and whiskers were scorched, and his face burnt. In running from the flames Mr Lane fell and sustained a nasty scalp wound. He was able to walk to the house, and was then driven to Waimate where his injuries are being attended to.
All farm improvements - a fine dwelling house overlooking the road and the tributary of the Waihao river and surrounded by a garden, orchard and plantations were the work of Walter and in 1893 he married Rose Pelvin.
       He erected 10 miles of fencing and as a sheep farmer, bred and kept crossbreed sheep on this property until 1918 when he and Rose retired to Timaru.
       Involved in community activities, Walter was on the vestry of Waihao Downs Anglican Church, the Waihaorunga School committee and was a member of both the Waitaki Collie Dog Club and Waimate Dog Club.

On 16th Jan 1894 eldest daughter Doris Elizabeth was born  at Waimate and the following year her sister Lilias Cole Lane was born on 20th Sept 1895.

Doris and Lilias Lane      Lilias Lane

The sisters were first day pupils at the Waihaorunga School which opened 19 February 1902 and attended the school's 75th anniversary in 1979 to cut the cake.
Neither daughter married, they travelled extensively and Lilias, above right) became well known as an artist.

Doris died 20 Sept 1984 at Christchurch and is buried in the Lane family plot at Timaru; Lilias died 2nd Oct. 1985 at Blenheim where she is buried at the Fairhall Cemetery.

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