George Pelvin was born 3rd September 1867 at
Claremont, Timaru and with the family moved to Waimate in 1882 to
School Records - Name PELVIN George; School
Admission Date 16 Jul 1878; Parent / Guardian Richard
Pelvin; Address Claremont; Last School None;
George left school for work on 4th
October 1881 when aged 14 years.
A talented musician like other family members
his talent was recognised in the community.
North Otago Times, 4 July 1887 -
The annual concert and dance was held in the
schoolhouse on Thursday evening last. Favored with a beautiful moonlight
evening, the settlers from the surrounding districts were well
represented, there being at least 200 present. Mr George Oliver occupied
the chair. He said he had to thank those who had come to countenance the
concert, and he took great pleasure in seeing so many from a distance.
Like a great many others, the School Committee was ambitious at the
present time, and the members had made up thsir minds to do something in
the way of a Jubilee, so they had called this the Jubilee concert in honor
of the fiftieth year of Her Majestie's reign, and he felt certain from the
talent they had with them that night, from Timaru, Waimate, Papakaio, as
well as local, it would be the most enoyable concert they had ever had.
The following programme was rendered, a great many of the items being
encored - Miss Fleming (Oamaru), pianofort selection, Scotch airs; Miss
Smith (Papakaio), "The Irish Immigrants Farewell ; Mr C. Strachan
(VVaimate), comic song, "There's goln; to be a wedding," and as an eccore
he gave the humorous song, "There's ays & muckie slippy stane at ilk
body's door," Mr and Miss Fleming "(Oamaru), duet, "The Crookit Bawbea'
which was loudly applauded, the last verse being repeated in response to
an encore; Mr Christie (Waimate), recitation, "The most econnomical woman
that I knew ;" Miss Bella Mackay (Waimate), song, "When the good
ship's going;" Mr Mitchell, comic song in character, "Far, far away," and
in response to an encore he gave a couple of extempory verses having a
local application; Mr T. Black (Walmate), comic song, "A strong stamp of
an Irish girl," and at an encore, song, " A braw Scottish girl"; Miss
Roberts (Waiho), song, "Oh, no, I'll never marry;" Mr Walls (Oamaru) sang
this old favorite, " The Death of Nelson;" Mrs Roberts (Waiho), song,
The first part of the programme was brought to a close by Mr
Calder (Walmate) dancing the Highland fling in costume to the strain of
the bagpipes manipulated by Mr Finlayson. After an interval of 10 minutes
the second part was opened by Messrs Patrick and Kerr (Waimate), piano and
violin, playing "The Royal March ;" Miss Fleming, song, "Daily's Raveneo;"
Mr Walls, Cold the airts the wind can blaw ;*' Mr T. BUck, song, "
Eighteenpence;" Miss Henderson (Waitaki North), song, " The Lady, Dog, and
Gun," and, as an encore, "March, march along;" Mr Fleming, song, "Pat
Mollony," and, in response to an encore, he said that Instead of a song he
would give them recitation. He had never given a recitation in that
locality, but probably they might havr seen that a newspaper endeavorad to
make him famous over the "The nose of Captain Freer," so he would let them
hear about the "Capts. nose." The recitation created roars of laughter,
and was loudly applauded. Mrs Scolio sang, "Far away;" Mr Mitchell, song,
' His Lordship winked to the counsel;" Mrs Robert, song, " You'd better
bide a wee ;" Mr Calder, dance, in costume, Mr Finlayson playing on the
pipes ; Mr Streohan, song, "The Mulligan Guards." brought the second part
of the programme to a close with a selection on the bagpipes, "The Athol
Gathering." Mr Oliver called for three hearty cheers for the performers,
which were lustily given, and a like compliment was given to the chairman.
Miss Fleming and Mrs Roberts played the accompaniment during the evening.
At the conclusion of the concert all present were hospitably
entertained at supper by the Misses Oliver (2) and Mr Henderson, assisted
by members of the School Committee.
The room having been cleared
dancing followed, which was continued till daylight. Mr George Pelvin
(violin) assisted by Messrs Kerr and Mitchel! (piano), and Mr George
Aikenhead (M.C.), together worked strenuously in making the dancing a
great sucess. The entertainment as a whole was much superior to the
general run of country entertainments, and was decidedly the best ever
held in the district.
Newspaper: In the Midst of Life We are in
News has just come that Mr George Pelvin died in Waimate
yesterday evening. He was a strong, good young man and the pride of his
faily. He was part owner of a threshing mill and traction engine, which he
had been working up to a few days ago, and at which he caught a cold or
had an attack of influenza but nothing serious was apprehended. Suddenly,
however, he has received "the call" which is coming to us all, and the
whole community here are in sympathy with the bereaved family, whose
sorrow, having come in a day, is all the worse to bear. He died at Waimate
27th Aril, 1890.
Timaru Herald, Volume L, Issue 4830, 29 April
1890, Page 2
PELVIN. On the 27th inst., At the Waimate Hospital,
George, fifth son of Richard and Elizabeth Pelvin, late of Timaru, aged 22
years. Deeply regretted.
George is buried at Waimate Old Cemetery
Location R03.12