Richard (Dick) Pelvin
James Richard Pelvin known as
Dick, was b: 14 Sep 1865 at Timaru, South Canterbury - the
first New Zealand born Pelvin child of parents Richard and
Elizabeth. He d: aged 70 years Jun 13, 1936.
Dick on 5th Feb 1890 mar:
Mary O'Gorman at the Catholic Church, Timaru by James Foley in the
presence of Maurice O'Connor of Wai-iti, labourer of Gleniti,
Timaru and Bridget O'Connor of Wai-iti. Mary was born
in 1865 in Galway, Ireland to parents Roger O'Gorman and Mother
Mary nee Kelly.

1890 NZ PO Directory - James
Richard and brother George Pelvin are farmers at Redcliff (stated to
be 15 Miles west from Waitaki North - Rail from Dunedin
or Christchurch and thence by horse!)
George d: 27th April 1890:
"News has just come that Mr George Pelvin died in Waimate yesterday
evening. He was a strong, good young man and the pride of his
family. He was part owner of a threshing mill and traction engine,
which he had been working up to a few days ago, and at which he
caught a cold or had an attack of influenza but nothing serious was
apprehended. Suddenly, however, he has received "the call" which is
coming to us all, and the whole community here are in sympathy with
the bereaved family, whose sorrow, having come in a day, is all the
worse to bear"
1891 Dick and
Mary celebrated the birth of their son James Patrick - he was just
one year old when Mary died on 06 Aug 1892 in Timaru aged 27 years
and was bur: 8/8/1892 at the Timaru Cem.
1892 - Funeral Notice:
The friends of Mr Richard Pelvin, jnr., are respectfully informed
that the funeral of his late wife Mary, will leave his residence,
Claremont, THIS DAY, August 8th, at 2 p.m. for the Cemetery. J
Lister, Undertaker
Infant son Jim was brought up
by grandparents Richard and Elizabeth Pelvin until Dick remarried in
1896. His
2nd marriage is recorded in Chalmers Church Dunedin - Marriage
Register Marriage: James Richard PELVIN aged 33
years to Catherine McDONALD on 4th Aug 1896 in the
house of John McAlpine, South Dunedin by J M Fraser, Minister.
Witnesses were Neil McDonald, Master Mariner of Dunedin and Alice
Bassett, Dressmaker of Dunedin.

Catherine b:
Invernesshire, Scotland in 1858 was the daughter of John
McDonald, farmer and Alexandrina nee McDonald - it was
said Kate was reputedly descended from the McDonalds of Glencoe
and related to Lochie McDonald one of New Zealand's great boxers of
the 1920's. Proud owner of two sky terriers, Hector and Flora were
named after two well known members of the Glencoe clan of Glencoe.
In 1897 they lived at
Kensington, Timaru where son Jim attended the South School
(admitted 20 Sep 1897) At the end of 1901 they moved to Glenavy
and Jim went to the Tawai School. Times were hard and
Dick had financial problems
and on 22nd Dec 1906
is adjudged bankrupt: Farmer: PELVIN
James Richard - Waimate. He found work droving and Catherine became
guardian that year of young nieces as well as step-son
1906: Tawai School Records
Admission Date 20 Nov - Katherine McDONALD (b: 05 Apr 1900) Last
School: Albany Street, Dunedin and Mary McDONALD (b: 25 Oct
1901); Last School Kakanui ; Parent / Guardian Mrs Pelvin; Address
In 1911, Catherine and Dick
Pelvin were at Mosgiel - Dick found work as a
labourer, and later that year, they moved to the
Hawkes Bay, where they lived at Queen Street,
Hastings and then at Te Mata, Havelock North. They returned later to
Timaru where Catherine died and was buried on 7th March 1924 aged 68
years. In 1928 Dick is farming at Gleniti and later at Waitohi
and passed away aged 70 years on Jun 13,
1936 and was bur. at Timaru Cem.
Son Jim (James Frederick)
became a motor mechanic. Waimate Daily Advertiser, 14 April 1913: On Saturday afternoon a car driven by Mr J. F. Pelvin, and containing an old and a young man—relations of the driver—as passengers, left Timaru for Waimate. When going at a normal pace along King Street a stray terrier dog chased the car and got into the front wheel on the left hand side and skidded the car into the post on the left side of the road, at the (foundry gate. The car would be travelling at about eight miles an hour at the time, and struck a post with a crash with the radiator. Despite the short notice the driver had the engines shut off and the brakes on. All the occupants were thrown out heavily but none received serious injury. The elderly man sustained a bruise on his forehead, but the driver of the car was found to have fared worse, his injuries consistingof a piece of glass in his shoulder, a sprained thumb and cut hand.. Although walking about and looking on all appearance quite cool and collected, he was really quite unconscious, till medical aid was rendered when he was conveyed to the hospital. He is now alright again ; The car was practically, ruined. The dog that caused the accident was forgotten for a while and it remained pinned under the car for 10 minutes. When released it scampered away besplattered with blood. On 15th Sept 1914 at the Registrars Office, Timaru he mar: Christina Isabella Colville. She was b: 13th Oct 1891 in Glentunnel, 39 miles west from Christchurch, the daughter of Alexander and Isabella
Colville. (Scroll down page)

Timaru taxi owner
Jim and Christina Pelvin's two sons were born in 1915 and 1917. Jim
receives a Military Call Up - 2nd NZEF
Reserve 1918; Place Timaru; Occ: Motor engineer.
The devastating influenza epidemic followed:
PELVIN.—On July 5th. at Timaru, Frederick Bruce, the beloved
infant son of Mr and Mrs J. Pelvin; aged 1 year and 3 months.on July
Then followed the death on Oct 4, 1918, aged 27
- he was bur: three days later at Timaru Cem. with his
NZ Probates: Name PELVIN James
Frederick Place Claremont, Timaru Occ; Farmer Court Timaru Archives
Reference CAHY CH 145 1469 Probate Number 1469 Filed Date 3 Sep 1919
Intestate (Letters of Administration)
6 yrs later, Christine
remarried on 28 Jan 1920 at the Registrars Office
to Arthur Dunnill. He was b: 23 Sep
1892 to parents were John Dunnill and Caroline Elizabeth
nee Mitchell - his brother
Thomas Wales Dunnell was
witness. Arthur had been brought up at
St Andrews and Timaru, and was a farmer when he died in
1924. He is buried with his brother at Timaru
Cemetery. Christina Dunnill d: in 1972.
PELVIN), was b: 04 Apr 1915 in Timaru - he d: 12 Oct 1977
at his residence 238 King Street, Temuka aged 62 Years and was bur:
12/10/1977 at Temuka Cemetery.
Jim attended
the Claremont School 26 Sep 1921 and in 1926 is on
the Seadown School register before he took up the work of
a carpenter.
1941 in Registrars Office, Timaru. She was the daughter of EDWIN
PROFFIT and MINETTA NICHOLAS and was b: 25 Nov 1914 in Whangamomona
and d: at Temuka aged 69 years.
Jim and Gladys had
8 children:
i. Betty May Pelvin was b: 23 Oct
1935 in Temuka, and d: 14 Dec 1997 in Timaru, Bur: Geraldine Cem.
She mar: 8 May 1965 to John Goodwin at Temuka.
Their Geraldine born family are:
i. Dennis Vincent Goodwin mar: to Ruth Heather nee Coles
b: Ashburton. They lost their dau: Grace in 1997; Emily Mae
Goodwin and Patrick James Coles
ii. Christine Margaret
Goodwin mar: to Brendan John Spring b: New Plymouth - their
3 children b: at Gisborne are Mary Elizabeth, Anna
Marguerite and Liam Patrick
iii. Andrew John Goodwin and
partner Nadine Murchie's son is Vini-Kruz Murchie
iv. Kathryn Anne Goodwin and
Steven Douglas Ray's children b: at Palmerston Nth are Johnny
Douglas Goodwin Ray and Neve Bethany Goodwin
ii. Bruce Edward James
Pelvin mar: 1962 to Janice Fay Wood (b: 1944 at Timaru; she
d; 7 May 2009 in Marlborough). Their sons b: at Timaru
i. Wayne Thomas James Pelvin mar:
Angela Marie nee Inwood - they have three children: Chad Anthony
Bruce; Arana Louise and Cody Trent Pelvin
ii. Lesley Alexander
Charles Pelvin mar: Ann Marie nee Daly - their family are Rachael
Anne; Benjamin Matthew and Lora Leigh Pelvin.
iii. Grant Bruce Pelvin
mar: to Teresa Jayne nee Doyle.
iii. Murray Edwin Harry Pelvin
(b: 5 Nov 1942 at Temuka, d: 16 May 2015) He mar: 27 Mar 1965 to
Merlene nee Hawthorne - their family:
i. Nicola Ann Pelvin
mar: to Wayne Robert Doake; children are Alanna Catherine
Anne and Michell Wayne
ii. Tracey Adele Pelvin
mar: to Ian Alexander Dippie - they have 2 daughters Jessica Adele
and Hannah Ashley Dippie
iii. Fraser Murray
iv. Craig Edwin Pelvin mar:
to Christine Erin* nee Allen; their children are Olivia, Thomas and
Lily Pelvin.
iv. Robert Alexander Pelvin mar:
to Christine May Sim - Children are:
i. Mark Robert Pelvin has a
son Braedan Mcgregor Pelvin
ii. Susanne Joy
iii. Hayden Charles
v. Trevor Andrew Pelvin mar: (1)
Robin Fay Taylor - Their two children
i. Shane Michael
ii. Dianne Fay Pelvin
has a daughter - Kimberley Jane
Trevor Pelvin mar:
(2) Delwyne Joy nee Acott; they have 3 children
iii. Darren Andrew
iv. Ursula Rose
v. Zoe Louise
vi. Donald Charles Pelvin mar:
(1) Sharon Annette Margaret nee Smith-
their daughters are:
i. Amy Jane
ii. Jade Anna
Pelvin mar: (2) on 28 Apr 1985 to Alison Margaret nee
Curtis at Timaru. She was b: 16 Jun 1959 in Timaru where
she d: on 20th Dec 1992 - their son is
Donald mar: (3) Karyl June
nee Jackson
vii. Graham Lindsay Pelvin mar:
Lorna Elizabeth nee McGregor -
Their children are:
i. Bevan James
ii. Nigel David
iii. Megan Elizabeth
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