![]() ![]() He married JANET GEDDES (her birth
registerd as Janet but she was always know as Jessie) on 14 April 1887 at
the home of the bride's parents, John and Janet (nee Gebbie)
Geddes at Mt. Harris, Waimate. Witnesses were brother James Richard
Pelvin, of Wakakahi, Waitaki and Jessie's sister Bella Geddes. The
officiating minister was Rev Wm McKee.
JOHN GEDDES immigrated from Scotland - he left 21 Feb 1863
from Melbourne on the ship STORMCLOUD and arrived at Port Chalmers, a
miner aged 30. He married JANET GEBBIE who was born at Wilsontown,
Lanark, Scotland on 08 Jun 1863 at Green Island where Jessie was born
the following year on 16 Aug 1864, the eldest of 12 children. John
worked for 12 years at Shag Valley just north of Waikouiti
before moving north to Mt Harris out of Waimate.
Charles and Jessie lived at Taiwai, Glenavy where their 14
children A popular musician, at age 22,
Charles competed in the New Year Caledonian Society Games in the bagpipe
section, "Strathspeys and reels in Highland costume" and he was in demand
playing the violin at dances, concerts and socials.
In May 1891, 13 householders met
in the Waitaki village settlement school. The finacial report showed a
small balance in hand. The committee elected were Messrs M. Harvey, J.
McCabe, R. C. Pelvin, M. Leonard, B. Fahey, Joseph Bates, and D. Wallace
and at the meeting of the new committee held afterwards, Mr R. C. Pelvin
was elected chairman, and Mr D. Wallace secretary and
In May 1894, at the auction sale of
freehold properties, Messrs Vallange, Christie, and Co. reported
selling on account of Mr J. Gray, sections 42, 43, and 44, in the
town of Glenavy, the blacksmith's shop, store, and other
improvements, for �200 to Mr Richard Pelvin.
![]() On the 14th January 1899 papers
reported an accident - the traction engine belonging to Charles and driven by
Fred capsized over a bank. They were taking it to Waimate for repairs and
running short of water in the Gorge, they pulled up beside a waterhole to
fill the boiler. The hose was too short to reach the water from their
position, and when trying to get nearer, the engine ran over the bank
into the hole with Fred underneath in about six feet of water. Charles had
jumped off, but the Fred held on, and, strange to say, although the engine
turned over twice, he fortunately was not hurt. Luckily, not
stunned, Fred managed to crawl out backwards from beneath the engine,
and his brother then pulled him out on the bank. The cause of the
mishap was the breaking of the steering gear. Mr Adams was passing at the
time, and drove the two men to town when it was found that no serious
injury occured, but the engine was considerably damaged - it was a
difficult job to get it out of the hole.
Casual labourers were employed to help work on threshing
mill - at Redcliff, one stole money and a bottle of gin from Mrs
McWhinney, of Red cliff. He was promptly arrested, convicted and sentenced
in the Magistrate's Court at Waimate to seven days imprisonment also �21
for which he was remanded till later. The Waitaki Settlement School was the
community centre of the district. In April 1900 householders attended
to assess it's record credit balance - the general account
amounted to �3 19s 2d, and prize fund account 5s 4d. Nine
householders were nominated for the new committee. A ballot taken
found successful applicants were Messrs C Pelvin, C Morrison, M.
Harney, M. Leonard, J McEwan, and Messrs Forde and Wallace were re-elected
secretary and chairman respectively .
Charles took an interest in all affairs which touched the
lives of residents. In 1900, he was the President of the Waitaki Mutual
Improvement and at a fortnightly meeting held at the school, after
submitting to the meeting the rules drafted by the committee, a social
programme followed with songs rendered, and Mr Pelvin gave a
recitation. Involvement of new members was encouraged and after a
programme was drawn up for next night, the enjoyable meeting terminated
with a vote of thanks to the chair. Jessie and Charles died at Oamaru,
North Otago where they are buried at the Oamaru Cemetery, Block 196 Plots
46 and 47.
Their headstone reads " In remembrance of Jessie Pelvin who died 30th December 1936 aged 74 years. Also her dear husband Richard Charles, died 16 May 1939 aged 79 years". Click here for their children. ![]() |