Elsie Agnes Cone & Percy Breckon
Elsie Agnes ConePercy Breckon

ELSIE AGNES CONE was b; November 10, 1899 in Rangiora to parents George Herbert Cone nad mother: Agnes Emma Palmer. At time of death, a widow, Elsie lived at 20a Somme Street, Christchurch and d: June 18, 1973 in Public Hospital, Christchurch. She was cremated and her ashes were interred with husband Percy at Whakatane. 

Elsie worked with sister Doris at Rodgers Store, Waiau before her marriage to PERCY BRECKON on January 01, 1921 at Rangiora. He was b: May 1898 in Cashmere, Christchurch.  His parents were William David Breckon (b: 1866 in Glaisdale, Yorkshire; d: 17 Mar 1914 in Waiau, Hurunui, Centerbury 48Y) His mother, Margaret Alice Correll (b: 15 Apr 1864 in Ovoca, Whitlow, Ireland - her father: William Correll and mother: Rebecca Williams; she d: 11 Aug 1950 in Waiau, Hurunui 88Y ) They mar: 1890 in Christchurch.

At Waiau {Canterbury), William David Breckon, a well-known farmer, fell over a cliff from his property into Hawkswood Rd about 9 p.m.. sustaining severe internal injuries, from which he died at 2 a.m. next day. Deceased settled at Waiau ten years ago, and was regarded as one of the most practical farmers in the district. He leaves a widow and seven children.

i Francis William Breckon (b: 21 Jan 1892; occ; Factory Super; d: 20 May 1974 in Whangarei) mar: 01 Jul 1915 in Presbyterian Church, Waiau  to Marion Clark Grant (b: 14 Dec 1892; d: 1985)

ii Olive Lillian Margaret Ann Breckon (b: 1895) mar: 1917 James Fogarty occ: studmaster Ngaruawahia

iii John Thomas Breckon (b: 1897) mar: 1926 to Elsie Ruth Maude Pope

iv Percy Breckon b: May 1898 in Cashmere, Christchurch Occ: motor mechanic, Hanmer, Car Dealer, Whakatane d: 04 Apr 1956 in Whakatane; Bur: 07 Apr 1956 Hillcrest Cem, Whakatane Block 2, Plot 56.)

v Lucy Breckon (b: 1900) mar: 1923 Charles Herbert Boswell

vi George Prudom Breckon (b: 10 May 1902; occ: farmer; d: 17 Jul 197 last resid. 29 Ryburn Road, Otahuhu, Auckland; Crem. Purewa Cem.) mar: 1928 to Catherine Jessie Hefferen

vii Charles Breckon (b: 19 Sep 1893 in Christchurch) Occ: Sergeant Royal Marines; d: 23 Aug 1960 in Auckland) mar: 25 Aug 1926 in Auckland to Mary Sinclair Peterson (b: 16 Jul 1902 in Setter, Papa Stour; d: 26 Sep 1989 in Auckland)

MARRIAGE: BRECKON - CONE: A pretty wedding was solemnised in the Presbyterian Church, Waiau, on New Year's Day, by the Rev. J. H. Thomson, when Miss Elsie Cone, second daughter of Mr and Mrs G. H. Cone, was married to Mr Percy Breckon, son of Mrs Breckon, and the late Mr W. Breckon. Mrs P. R. Dunbar presided at the organ. Tho church had been prettily decorated for the occasion by the bride's lady friends, a feature in the decorations being a suspended bell covered with pink rambler roses

The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, looked charming in a dainty dress of ivory crepe de chine trimmed with blonde lace side-panels, finished with silk tassels. The veil, which was of hand-embroidered silk net, was arranged in mob-cap style, with a{ circlet of silver leaves. She carried a lovely shower bouquet of white lilies and carnations. Miss I. Cone, sister of the bride, and Miss L. Breckon, sister of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids. Tho former wore a dove pink crepe de chine gown, trimmed with frills, and a Leghorn hat. and carried a bouquet of pink and mauve sweet peas. The latter wore a soft blue crepe de chine gown trimmed with frills, and a Leghorn hat, and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas. Mrs Cone, mother of the bride, was handsomely gowned in navy blue taffeta radium, and wore a navy blue crepe de chine hat to match. Mr Donald Erickson acted as best man. After the ceremony the guests adjourned to the residence of the bride's parents, where the wedding breakfast was partaken of in a marquee erected on the lawn. Later, the happy couple left for the South the bride's travelling dress being a black and white check costume with black crepe de chine and lace hat, trimmed with spray of pink rosebuds and blue ribbon. In the evening Mr and Mrs Cone entertained a large number of friends.

The couple lived at Hamner where Percy was a mechanic and would drive tourists.

Christchurch Press 30 Oct 1924

 The family lived at Hamner where Percy was a mechanic and would drive tourists. In 1935 the Breckon family decided to relocate and in Sept, at the Hanmer Springs School Committee meeting with the Rev. C. C. Sedgewick presiding, they recorded the resignation of Mr P. Breckon who has left the district, was received with regret, and the following resolution was recorded on the minutes: "That this meeting of the school committee desires to place on record its warm appreciation of the many years faithful and enthusiastic service given by Mr Percy Breckon as a member of the Hanmer Springs School Committee."

Their daughter, BARBARA WINIFRED BRECKON attended the Ngaruawahia school. At Whakatane Percy was a Car Dealer and he died there  April 04, 1956 in Whakatane and was buried at Hillcrest Cemetery.

Barbara mar: MALCOLM EDWARD LAW 6th Jun 1953 at Whakatane. Malcolm, born on the 5th July 1928 was the son of EDWARD LAW and GEORGIANNA MALCOLM and passed away 29 July 2008, aged 80 years. Malcolm/s forthrightness, experience and devotion to the community and his family is sadly missed.
Malcolm gave a life of service and was a prominent Eastern Bay figure, particularly in the farming fraternity having been chairman of Whakatane Federated Farmers and also Bay of Plenty Provincial President for many years. Also he had been heavily involved in the National Party, rising to vice president, and with the electricity industry, serving as inaugural chairman of the Eastern Bay Energy Trust from 1994 to 1999, the Eastern Bay Energy Trust and was a former director of Horizon Energy Distribution Limited.
Malcolm Law was also a Justice of the Peace and had been honoured with an MBE.    
Barbara Law                Malcolm Law

Elsie Breckon and daughter BarbaraBARBARA and MALCOLM'S children are:

i. CHRISTINE ANNE LAW, b. Rotorua. She married JOHN WILSON LAMBERT in Whakatane where he was born, the son of BRIAN LAMBERT and NEROLI KLINK. Their family are - LEIGH ANNE; GLENN BRIAN; DAILE NEROLI and SCOTT WILSON

ii. ALAN EDWARD LAW, b. Whakatane. He married Whakatane born WENDY FRENCH at Edgecombe. Their children - BRANDON GORDON EDWARD and CAMERON BLAKE

iii. KAREN DIANE LAW, b. Whakatane. She married PETER LAWRENCE OSBORNE at Edgecombe. He was born Hamilton where his children CRAIG WILLIAM GEORGE and ANDREW EDWARD were born

iv. DAVID MALCOLM LAW, b. Whakatane. married SUSANNE MOYA TILLEY at Tauranga, daughter of DONNE TILLEY and MOYA NEWLAND. She was born in Whakatane. Their Whakatane born family are NICHOLAS WILLIAM; GENA RACHEL and STACEY ELIZABETH

v. LESLIE MARK* LAW, b. Whakatane married JULIE-ANN WORSLEY Whakatane, daughter of ROSS WORSLEY and JANICE SMITH. She was born Box Hill, Melbourne. Their Whakatane born children are : AMY LOUISE; STEVEN ROSS and ROBERT MARK

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