Sarah Ann Cone would have been just 14 when she and
Thomas Pursey first met
at Ferry Road. She was present at the turning of the first sod of the Lyttleton
railway tunnel. She moved north in May 1861 to Mt Grey Downs to join her two
brothers William and George.
Pursey children born to Thomas William and Sarah Ann at
Rangiora - Ellen Matilda,
Annie Louisa, Emily Ann, Frederick
James, Albert Cone, Edith Amelia and
Priscilla Sarah
Death Notice:
"Mrs Pursey,
who died suddenly at Rangiora on Sunday morning, was the only daughter of the
late Mr. Cone. She came to New Zealand in 1851 with her father and three
brothers in the ship Bangalore. Her father was accidently killed twelve months
after arrival when bringing goods over the Port Hills by pack horses. On her
marriage to Mr. W. Pursey she went to reside at Ashley Bank, and on the death of
her husband she removed to Rangiora. The deceased lady endeared herself to all
who knew her by her unobtrusive kindliness. She leaves two sons Fred and Bert; and five
daughters - Nellie Tuer, Annie Iverach, Emily Waters, Edith and Cilla Catchpole."
Pasted in the bible:
"PURSEY---On December 28th at
her late residence, 262 King street, Rangiora, Sarah Ann, widow of the late T.
W. Pursey; aged 75 years." [1919 pencilled on this newspaper cutting]