![]() ![]() (Born 1768 Redgrave; Died: April 25, 1814) Will Dated 27 March 1814
The last will and Testament of me Edmund Bullock of Cratfield in the County of Suffolk, farmer. First, I do nominate and appoint my friend John Dunnett of Cratfield, aforesaid farmer, my beloved wife Sarah Bullock and my daughter Ann Bullock, executor and executrixes of this my will. Next I desire and direct, authorise and empower those my said Executor and Executrixes to conduct, manage, cultivate and carry on the farm belonging to me and in my occupation in Crafted aforesaid until the old Michaelmas day next after my decease and for that purpose to return and to keep in and upon the said Farm all my household furniture, dairy and brewing utensils, implements of Husbandry, farming Stock and other effects. And I do authorise
empower and direct my said Executor and Executrixes and the Survivors or Survivor of them and the Executor or Administrators of such Survivor at the old Michaelmas next after my decease to make Sale and to dispose of by public Auction All that my mefsuage or dwelling house and farm wherein I reside with the cottages, Barns, Stables, Outhouses, Lands, Goings or Rights of Common heritaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining as the same and situate in Cratfield aforesaid and are now in my son and my tenants occupation to such Person or persons as shall be desirous to become the Purchaser or Purchasers thereof for the best price that can be gotten for same and to convey the same to such purchaser or purchasers in such Manner as shall be deemed advisable and to receive the purchase money for the same and to give discharges accordingly And I do hereby declare that the Receipt or Receipts of my said executor or Executrixes or the Survivors or Survivor of them or the Executor or the Executrixes of such Survivor shall be a good and effectual discharge for such purchase Money to the purchaser or purchasers of the said heritaments and premises who shall pay the same and his, her or their respective Heirs, Executors and Administrators And that such purchase money be answerable and accountable for the application misapplication or non application thereof or any part thereof And I do hereby also direct my said Executor and Executrixes and the Survivor or Survivors of them xxxxxx and the Executors or Administrators of such Survivor in like manner to make sale and dispose of All my household furniture except such part of my furniture as I have hereinafter given to the said Sarah my wife Plate, linen China and glass, farming Stock both alive and dead Corn Hay Implements and Utensils 'of husbandry and all other my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever which I shall be professed of or entitled to at the time of my decease and consisting of ready money. Next I hereby empower and direct the said John Dunnett and Ann Bullock and the survivor of them his or her Executors or Administrators to set apart from the moneys to arise from the said Sale my said seal and personal estates and place out and invest upon government or real and good personal Security in their his her discretion and in his or her names or name during the life of the said Sarah my wife the sum of four hundred pounds And I do hereby desire and direct the said John Dunnett and Ann Bullock and the survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such survivor to pay the interest or Dividends yearly therefrom, arising by equal half yearly payments to the said Sarah my wife or her assigns during her said life. The first of the said half yearly payments to begin and be made at the end of six calendar months and after the old Michaelmas succeeding my decease And from and immediately after the decease of my said wife I do desire and direct the said sum of four hundred Pounds to fall ink and to form part of the residue of my personal estate hereafter mentioned and
to be disposable therewith accordingly And I give and bequeath the said Sarah my wife my bed with yellow Curtains in the Back house Chamber with the Pillows Bolsters Blankets and Appurtenances thereto belonging and so much of my said household furniture plate Linen China and Glass as she shall make choice of and as shall be sufficient to furnish for her a room Next I give and bequeath to such of my daughters Ann, Sarah and Harriet the sum of fifty Pounds Sterling to be paid to them respectively at the end of six calendar months next after the Michaelmas succeeding my decease
And as to all the rest residue and remainder of the moneys to arise from the sale of the said real and personal estates the ready money I may be profefsed of and other my personal estate whatsoever and when so ever including the said sum of four hundred Pounds upon the decease of my said wife and after payment of my just debts my
funeral and testamentary changes and the said three legacies or sums of fifty Pounds so as aforesaid given to my said three daughters I give and bequeath the same to my four children Edmund Bullock and the said Ann Bullock, Sarah Bullock and Harriet
Bullock equally to be divided between them Share and Share alike And in case my said daughter Harriet shall be under the age of 21 years at the time of my decease Then I do direct her share in the said residue of my personal estate to be placed out by my said executor or executrixes or the Survivors or Survivor of them upon real or Government Security In Trust to pay and apply the interest or Dividends to arise therefrom yearly in the Maintenance and support of the said Harriet Bullock until she attain the said age And in the case of the death of any of my said children before their respective shares of the said residue of my personal estate shall be payable without leaving lawful issue who shell live to attain the age of twenty one years Then I give and bequeath the share or shares of her or him or them dying unto the hares of these my said children to be equally divided between them But in case any of my said children shall depart his life leaving lawful issue who shall live to attained the said age then I give and bequeath the share of such of my children so dying unto that issue if as equally to be divided
between such as at the age of twenty one years such as however to take the parents share only. And I do desire and direct my said Executor and Exectrixes and the Survivor and Survivors of them his or her Executors and Administrators to place out the Share and Shares of such ?upon Government or Security In trust to payor Apply the interest or dividends yearly thereupon arising in and towards the maintenance Education and bringing up of such issue until the said age of twenty one years Provided always and I hereby declare my mind and Will to be that my said Executor and Executrixes and the Survivors a or Survivor of them or the Executor or Administrators of such Survivors or Survivor of them shall be charged or be
chargeable only for such money as they shall respectively shall actually receive or shall come to their respective hands by virtue of this my Will and that one of them shall not be answerable or accountable for the other or others of them or for the acts deeds receipted neglects or defaults of them xxxx other or others of them but each of them only for his and her own acts deeds and receipts neglects or defaults only neither shall they or any another of them be answerable or accountable for any bank, banker, Goldsmith Broker or other person with whom or in whose hands any part of the trust moneys shall or may be lodged or deposited for safe custody or otherwise in the execution of any of the aforesaid trusts neither shall they or either of them be answerable or accountable for the insufficiency or deficiency of any Security or Securities stocks or funds on or upon which the said trust moneys or any part thereof shall or maybe placed out or invested nor for any other life misfortune or damage
which may happen in the Execution of any of the aforesaid trust or in relation thereto unless the same should happen by or through their own wilful defaults respectively. And also that they my said Executors and executrixes and such of them and the executor and Administrators of the Survivors or Survivor of them shall and may withand out of such moneys as shall come into their respective hands by value of this my will when to and reimburse himself fully himself herself and themselves respectively
and also to pay to his and their Co-Executor or Executrix all such loss costs charges damages trouble Journeys and expenses as they any or either of them shall or may suffer sustain expend or put unto in the execution of this my Will or in relation thereto. In Witness whereof I the said Edmund Bullock the Testator have to these first sheets of this my Will comprised offour Sheets of Paper affixed together at the top and there sealed and set my hand and to this fourth and last sheet thereof set ,my hand and affixed my Seal, the twenty seventh of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Testator Edmund Bullock as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names or witnessed hereto.
This handwritten and difficult to read Edmund Bullock Will, grandfather of William Cone, our New Zealand pioneer ancestor, was sent to me by Leonie Smith of Sudbury, who is also a Bullock descendant. I am grateful to Leonie who lives in Sudbury, Suffolk for transcribing Cone family members from the parish registers of Whatfield. Winsome
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