THOMAS HAYMAN was b: on June 25th, 1837 son of John Hayman (b: 1811
in Weare, Somersetshire d: 1885 in Bedminster, Bristol Occ: 1851 Agr Lab)
and mother Sarah Ann Collard (b: 1813 in Weare, Somersetshire - they
mar: 26 May 1834 in St. Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, England , she d:
Bef. 1881 in Avon, Gloucestershire) .
 Thomas mar: 26th July,
1859, Bristol, England to ANN KINGSBURY - she was b: Feb. 18th,
1840 to her father Henry Kingsbury (b: Dec 17 1812
Banwell, Somerset, England, Bapt: Dec 20 1812 Wick
St Lawrence, Somerset, England and d: April 12th, 1892; Burial: The St James Church of England Cemetery,
Tippings Road, Cust Aug 1891 at Cust, Canterbury) and her mother
Elizabeth West (b: 28 Aug 1815 at Kewstoke, Somerset; mar: Apr
4 1839 at Worle, Somerset, England (It is said he fell in love
with a daughter of the Squire, Elizabeth, to his annoyance, so he turned
her out with no money) (Src: Baird-Harris Family
Tree - researcher Alexander Baird)
Ann's father,
Henry Kingsbury, was a tenant farmer at Kingston Seymour,
Somerset in 1841 - farming for a squire in a place called
Weston-Super-Mare in Somerset, England at Banwell, Somerset, England 1851;
and at Weare, Somerset, England 1861. Henry was kept on as head farmer and
lived in a small cottage on the estate. Under the land laws no commoner
could buy land to call his own, and as the couple had a large family it
became clear that his sons would only be able to farm by emigrating to NZ.
The NZ land company wanted good English farmers - they had to be
recommended. He was given 20 acres in 1863 (by the land company) at
Saltwater Creek, North Canterbury, New Zealand
Immigrated onboard the "Captain Cook" out of spithead 17/5/1863
and arrived 2/9/1863 at Lyttleton where the ship was quarantined
on the 3rd - a voyage of 116 days.
Registers the Title:
The family settled on Rural Section No. 1025, of the 20 acres of Dampier's
land and Henry registered the title. This section was alongside the
Saltwater Creek on one side, and was also bounded by the Mount Grey and
Main North Roads. Jan 8 1866 Saltwater Creek, North
Canterbury, New Zealand. Early
on the 4th of Feb 1868 a terrible storm caused the Ashley River to flood
the countryside. The family lost all their private papers and birth
certificates and thereafter, they had to rely on their memories.
Thomas and his wife
Ann arrived at Melbourne in May 1861 with their sons Walter and Frederick
James - John Ivanhoe Hayman who was born on voyage on the "Ivanhoe, and
dau: Mary Jane was b: Jun 1864 at Kalkallo, Melbourne. They moved to
NZ. He farmed in the Cust district for 12 years
and then at Ashburton and in 1897 he settled at
Willowbridge. Ann d: 12 Apr 1891 at Willowbridge - their family, 9
sons and 7 daus. He was a member of the Willowby School
 Back row:
John; Florence; Ernest; Fanny; Emily; Walter; Harry; Charlie;
Tom. Middle row: Sally, Eva; parents THOMAS and ANN HAYMAN; Jinny; Jim;
Front row: Arthur; Rosa; Samuel 1.
(1) Frederick James
Hayman (b. May 19th, 1860 in Weare,
Somerset, England; Occ: started his career as a shoemake but wanted
to teach so studied and gained his certificates. In 1900 was Teacher
at the Burkes Pass School and saw service in various
parts of Canterbury for 20 yrs before moving to Oruanui near Taupo
when fired with misssionary work - they had charge of the
Native School there for 23 yrs and aided the Maori
population before retiring 1932 to Tauranga; d. Aug. 26th,
1939); mar. 6 Apr 1882 to Margaret Annie Bunting (b 1859 Armagh
County, Nth Ireland; aged 3 accompanied her parents to Sefton,
Nth Canty where they took up land; d Jun 23 1932
Otumoetai) Survived by five sons and 2 Daus: Walter
Livingston Hayman b: 1887(1932 was
at Melbourne); Elizabeth Mirium Mary Taylor Schofield
Hayman b: 1898 (mar: Thomas Ross 1920 - (1932 was
at Tauranga); Mabel Rowley Hayman b: 1884 (mar: 1911
Sydney Robert Palmer (1932 was at Oruanui); Rowland
Ashley Otira Hayman b: 1896 (1932 was at Thames); Charles
Medbury Ferguson Hayman b: 1889 (1932 was at Tauranga);
Frederick Thomas Riley Hayman b: 1883 (1932 was at Ongarue);
Gordon (in 1932 was
at Tauranga) ;
*2nd Wife of Frederick James (Jim)
Hayman: mar: 1934 to Lucilla Mary Andrews (b: 1862 d: 1950 in
Auckland) |
(2) Walter
Hayman (b:
May 1st, 1861 in Weare, Somerset, England; Occ: Farmer"Opiro"
Studholme; d. 0ct. 17th, 1934 at Timaru) mar. 1886 Mary
Elizabeth Frampton (b 9 Oct 1866 Spreydon, ChCh; d: 7 Jan 1910
Waimate) Their children: John Edgar Hayman b: 1888 d: 1955 in
Waimate; Walter Percy Hayman b: 1890; d: 1893 in Waimate;
Daisy Elizabeth Hayman b: 1892 d: 1915 in Waimate; Charles
Stanley Hayman b: 1894 d: 1895 in 8 mths; Rose Hayman b:
1899; Margaret Constance Hayman b: 1901; Norman Henry
Hayman b: 05 Sep 1901 d: 1988; Thomas Leonard Hayman b: 1904
d: 1962 in Waimate; Arthur Francis Hayman b: 1907 d: 1975 in
Timaru |
(3) John Ivanhoe
Hayman (b.
Dec. 24th, 1862 in "Ivanhoe" on voyage to Melbourne; d. Nov. 23rd,
1954 Waimate) mar. (1) Sussannah Elizabeth Low (b 18 Oct 1872 in
Waimate - Father: B Low ; d 1904 ) They had
4 children
Benjamin Franklin Hayman b: 25 Sep 1895 d: 1993; Frank Hedley
Hayman b: 17 Nov 1898 d: 1978; Victor John Hayman b: 1903 d:
1989; May Hayman b: 1910 d: 12H.
*2nd Wife of mar : 1911 John Ivanhoe Hayman: Mary
Jane Burne (b: 1862; d:
1939) |
(4) Mary Jane Hayman
(b. June 21st, 1864 Kaikaillo, Melbourne; d. May 12th, 1950 at
Timaru, bur; Timaru Cem.) mar 1890 to Thomas Wheeler (b: 1866;
d 1931)
They had 3 children:
Kathleen Ann Wheeler b: 1891; Elsie Laura Eevelyn Wheeler b:
1895 and Arthur Joseph Moncrieff Wheeler b: 1900
5. Fanny Hayman (b. June
28th, 1865 Rangiora; d. Jan. 22nd, 1907 at Ashburton) mar. abt 1885
to Edward Williams (b 1860 in Mongomeryshire, Wales; d 1901
They had 7
children: Emily May Williams b: 1886; Ivy
Gwendoline Williams b: 1890; Cyril Montgomery Williams b: 1892
; Florence Freda Williams b: 1895; Roland Sinclair
Williams b: 1896; Ruby Mildred Williams b: 1898; Bennett
Hayman Williams b: 1899 |
(6) Sarah (Sally) Ann Hayman (b. 31st, 1867
Cust; d. Feb 6th, 1914 Ashburton) mar . 1 Nov 1888 to
John Osborne (b 1866 d 1926 )
They had 9 children: Iver Lilly
Baverstock Osborne b: 1891; Davis Studleigh Osborne b:
1893; Samuel Kingsbury Osborne b: 1893; Dorothy Joy
Osborne b: 1898; John Frankland Osborne b: 1900; Sarah
Ann Osborne b: 1900; Rosa Myrtle Osborne b: 1902 ;
Constance Lynnett Osborne b: 1906 ; Ralph Wallace Osborne b:
1906; |
7. Emily Hayman (b. Nov.
8, 1868 Cust; d. Nov. 29th, 1960 Christchurch); mar. Rev William
Giles Grigg (b 1862 son of James Grigg; d 1951)
They had 3 children Dolce
Ilma Myrtle b: 1896; Annette Rosa b 1898; Dorothy Alberta b: 1905;
8. Charles Hayman (b.
April 16th, 1870; d. Sept. 4th, 1931); mar. 28 Dec 1893 to Ella
Richardson (b 1874; d 1945)
They had 7 children -
Charles kingsbury b: 1903; Eileeen b: 1896; George Milton Wycliffe
b: 1906; Reta May b: 1900; Elma Francis b: 1898; Hoarce Flint b:
They had 6 children - Leslie
Alan Douglas b: 1910; Elsie Sabina b: 1901; Malcolm Edgar b: 1899;
William Harold b: 1898; Albert Benjamin b: 1904; Ross Alexander b:
10. Thomas (Tom) Ernest
Hayman b. Nov. 11th, 1872; d. Jan. 15th, 1873;
1l. Thomas George Hayman
b. Nov. 14th, 1873; d. Sept. 19th, 1951 mar: Elizabeth Roche
They had a son Thomas
Ronald Grigg Hayman b: 1907
12. Albert Samuel (Sam)
Hayman b. May 31st, 1875; d. 1966 aged 91Y) mar. Ruth Frances
Harding (d: 1960 aged 81Y)
They had 4 children -
Hubert Francis Kingsbury b: 1912; Wuilboult Samuel Newton b: 1908;
Ethelwynne Irene Ruth b: 1914
13. Florence Hayman b.
Mar. 28th, 1877; d. 0ct. 20th, 1963; mar. Hugh Livingstone d 1942
They had 3 children
Winifred Marion b 1903; Florence Parience b: 1906 and
..1921 SBC |
14. Rosena (Rosa) Hayman
(b. July 14th, 1878; d. Feb. 23rd, 1959) ; mar. George Herbert
Briansby Lill (b. 1879 d 1961)
They had 3 children -
Marjorie Mahala b: 1903; Aueta Taylor b: 1905; Rosalie Hazel b:
15. Hubert Hayman b. May
23rd, 1880 - Stillborn
16. Ernest (Ern) Hayman b.
June 12th, 1882; d. Sept. 18th, 1961 m.(1) Annie Maruerite Moore (d
They had 4 children
mar (2) Kathleen
17. Arthur Martin Hayman (b. Feb. 22nd, 1884
Willowby; WW1 Srviceman; occ; engineering and salesman Wgtn; after
war yrs, farmer of Akaroa d. 13 Apr 1867 Little Akaloa Bay,
Banks Peninsula; bur: St Luke Anglican Church Cem.) mar. (1) Annie
Jane Thearsby; Isabel Eliza Martin;
mar: (2) Agnes Una
mar: (3) 1907 to Eliza
18. Evangeline Elizabeth
Hayman b. Mar. 10th, 1885 Willowby, Ashburton; d June 1980
Timaru Burial: Ruru Lawn Cemetery, Christchurxh ) mar: 1907 to
George Herbert
(b 06 Sep 1880 in Waitohi; d. 30 Oct 1956 in Orbell St,
They had three
children; Pearl Evangaline Cone Born: 01 Apr 1909 in
Auckland Died: 30 Apr 1953 in Dargaville; Rex
Herbert Cone Born: 01 Mar 1916 in Pleasant Point Died: 23 Jun 2002
in Christchurch Burial: 28 Sep 2002 Cremated, ashes to Ruru Lawn
Cemetery, Christchurch; Elma Georgina Cone Born: 04 Jun
1912 in Pleasant Point Died: 03 May 1992 Burial: 05 May 1992 Fairlie

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