Our New Zealand Pioneers

Richard and Elizabeth Pelvin

Your tombstone stands among the rest;

Neglected and alone.

The name and date are chiseled out

On a polished, marble stone.

It reaches out to all who care;

It is too late to mourn.

You could not know that I’d exist,

You died before I was born.

Yet each of us are cells of you;

In flesh, in blood, in bone.

Our heart contracts and beats a pulse

Entirely not our own.

Dear Ancestor, the life you lived

So many years ago

Is now recounted amongst the ones you left

Who would have loved you so.

I wonder how you lived and loved,

I wonder if you knew

That someday I would find this spot,

And come to visit you.

Author unknown

Welcome! This Pelvin website is dedicated to all descendants of Peter and Lydia Pelvin. It owes a huge thank-you to Alf Pelvin who recorded with pride his Pelvin heritage, and it is an appreciation to all who assisted over many years with this documentation.

In the interests of privacy, dates of living family members are not published. If you have an objection to your name being online, let me know and I will comply with your wishes. The size of some photos have been reduced - click to enlarge.
The purpose of this website is to make available known information on our Pelvin family history and possibly find other family members. Although dealing mainly with direct generations of family, there is also information on other associated family lines, when known, is made added also.
Much comes from the oral family history, personal notebooks and photos kept by older members of the family, documenting as much of the information as possible before it is lost. There may be errors so while you are looking through, any mistakes or additional information or photos of relatives that can be added, please contact the e-mail address below.
I hope you find our history interesting and should you wish more information, please write. I would love to hear from you!


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