My Genealogy Interests 
Family documentation has been an on-going interest for over 30 years when I attended my first family reunion at Christchurch.
I am Winsome Daphne Griffin nee Guilford born in Timaru, Sth Canterbury. For my husband's family Click here.
My Guilford parents: Francis Henry*Guilford born 1900 Waitohi Flat,Temuka.
Mavis Anona Pelvin born 1912 at Waimate. They married 1935 at Pleasant Point and farmed at Middle Valley and Fairlie. The five children were: Francis Richard, Winsome Daphne, Bruce John, Heather Rose and Allison Anona. Henry and Mavis retired to Timaru where Henry died 1978 and Mavis 1988.
My Guilford Grandparents:Francis Charles Guilford was born 1876 at Pleasant Valley, Geraldine. His marriage in 1899 was at Waitohi Flat to Maria Cone who was born there in 1876 - it is near Temuka. They had three children and farmed at Cattle Valley, Fairlie. Maria died at Timaru in 1945. Frank retired to New Plymouth and remarried Laura Elizabeth Oliver in 1951. Frank died in 1961 and Laura died in 1985.
My Pelvin Grandparents:
Arthur Ernest Pelvin was born 1876 at Otipua Creek, Timaru. He died 1943 at Totara Valley, Pleasant Point. In 1903 at Waimate, Arthur married Roseanna Humphris who was born 1884 at Papakaio, Nth Otago and died at Timaru 1952. They had six children.
Arthur Pelvin was a first day pupil at the Clarement School and then the family moved to Ikawai. His father Richard, was named his farm "Sobraon" after the Battle of Sabraon he had fought in India - it was on the Middle road to Glenavy. Arthur was a first day pupil at the Ikawai school in 1882 and was studying to become a pupil teacher but after his father's retirement, started farming at Ikawai. The grandparents had 7 acres in the centre of Timaru Avenue Road which was leased to Lidstone and later bought by him. This land was used for vegetable growing. His mother died in the flu epidemic in 1914 at her residence at Church St West.Arthur next farmed at Totara Valley. |
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My Guilford Great-grandparents:
William Harrison Guilford born 1838 Abergavenny, Wales. He came to New Zealand in 1851 on the "Castle Eden" and was a sawyer by trade. He married Ann Benbow in 1866 at Waitohi - she was born in 1849 Nash, Salop County and came to New Zealand with her parents on the "Huntress" in 1863. William had the Pleasant Valley hotel when first wed, cleared land to farm as Pleasant Valley was a busy forestry area. The trees gone, he took his family to Tarata, Taranaki in 1902, cleared the bush to make a farm and died in 1906. Ann died at New Plymouth in 1930. They had 18 children.
| My Cone Great-grandparents:
Frederick Cone was born 1839 at Aldham, Suffolk, and came with his parents on the "Bangalore" to Lyttleton in 1851. He was a farmer at Waitohi and he retired to Timaru 1900 where he died in 1917. He had married Sarah Barnard in 1870 at Christchurch - she was born 1850 at Bermondsey and with her parents had immigrated to Christchurch on the "Surge" in 1856. They had 11 children. Sarah died at Timaru in 1927.
My Pelvin Great-grandparents:
Richard Pelvin was born 1821 at Kensington, Kent and died at Timaru in 1902. He was a soldier in 1837 took convicts to Australia, served at Norfolk, and in India. On his return, Richard married Elizabeth Beake in 1856 at Curragh Camp, Donnybrook, Dublin. She was born 1828 at Western Zoyland, Somersetshire and died 1914 at Timaru. Richard and Elizabeth and four of their nine children travelled in 1863 to Timaru on the "Lancashire Witch".He farmed at Claremont and at Redcliff by Glenavy before retiring to Timaru.
My Humphris Great-grandparents:
John Valentine Humphris was born 1856 at Condicote, Gloucestershire. His arrival to New Zealand was thought to be 1876. He died at his home at Taiwai 1935. He married Jessie Jack Rodgers at Oamaru in 1882. She was born 1856 at Dailly, Kilmarnock, Scotland and is thought to have come on the same ship. In 1887 he took up land at Taiwai and in 1899, they were original settlers on Waikakakihi block, near Glenavy. They had eight children. Jessie died 1942 at Waimate. |
My Guilford Great-great-grandparents:
John Guilford was born 1810 at Easton Royal in Wiltshire and died 1895 at Wanganui. He married Ann Plank in 1834 at Easton Royal - she was born 1808 at Burbage, Wiltshire. They came to Lyttleton in 1851 on the "Castle Eden" with their three sons. John farmed at Papanui, Christchurch. He remarried after Ann's death to Emma Newnham who was born 1815 in London and she died in 1890 at Christchurch.
My Benbow Great-great-grandparents:
William and Mary Benbow family came to Lyttleton on the "Huntress" with their 5 children. They went by steamboat and were landed by surfboat at Timaru. The Benbows went by bullock wagon, a 2 day journey staying overnight at the Arowhenua Inn and William obtained work at Temuka before buying land at Waitohi. William was born 1826 at Burford, Shropshire and died 1909 at Waitohi. His wife whom he married in 1848 at Burford was Mary Poston. She was born 1827 at Stanton Lacy and died in 1899. They had nine children.
| My Barnard Great-great-grandparents:
Thomas Charles Barnard was born 1819 at Hertfordshire and he died at Carterton in 1903. A jeweller and watchmaker, he married Maria Cooper 1844 at Bermondsey, London. She was born
1825 at Beddington, Kent and died in 1912 at Timaru. They immigrated on the "Surge" in 1856 with five of their 12 children and lived at Christchurch, and Rangiora before going to Greytown and Carterton.
My Pelvin Great-great-grandparents:
Henry Pelvin was born 1780 at Boxley, Kent and died 1845 at Kensington, Middlesex. In 1799 at All Saints, Maidstone, Kent, he married Sarah Stone who was born 1780 at Kensington where she died in 1857. He was a gardener and labourer in London. They had eight children.
My Paternal Great-great-great-grandparents: William Gilford was born 1788 at Burbage and died 1846 at Easton Royal. He married Ann Smith in 1808 at Easton Royal - she was born 1786 at Easton Royal and died there in 1875. They had eleven children and worked as an agricultural labourer on farms in the vacinity. |

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