Fri. 29th Sept. We left Port Augusta along the Stuart Highway to Port Germain where we saw the largest wooden jetty in the Southern Hemisphere and locals told how the scale of the region's drought is so huge, even with government help rural communities can't keep on the land.
Next we visit the wine making region of the Barossa Valey. At Tanunda which was an early German settlement, originally the village of Langmeil and established in 1843, we visit the Chateau Yaldara and are shown through the winery and travel on the Whispering Wall Dam just outside the quaint little town of Williamstown. At Springton we stop to see the hollow gum tree where a pioneer family lived for 5 years.
In the evening we join the "MV Expedition, for the start of a 2 night cruise up the Murray River. View photos of day's eventsJoke for today |
Day's Travel  |
Ray's music choice
- "Walzing Matilda" To find out more about Ray's favourite wine, click here.